School Recycling and Composting Resources
Managing Materials Sustainably in Connecticut

Managing waste and materials from your school is much broader than collecting paper, bottles and cans for recycling. To have a strong sustainable program that is fiscally responsible and environmentally sound administrators, facility staff, teachers, students and their parents should be involved in creating programs that are engaging and easy to maintain.


Recycling, It’s the Law: Recycling has been mandatory in Connecticut for many items and has been in effect since January 1, 1991, with additional materials added in 2012. Schools are not exempt. Review CT Mandatory Recycling to learn more about items required to be collecting for recycling in Connecticut.


Food Scraps Law: In 2024, Connecticut passed a law which states if a school building (public, private, religious, charter or boarding school) generates more than 26 tons per year of food scraps (incl. cafeteria, culinary program, school kitchen) and is within 20 miles of an authorized composting facility you must collect food scraps for composting starting July 1, 2026.

School Recycling and Composting Tool Kit
Waste and Materials Often Generated in Schools

In Connecticut, recycling is state law! This means everyone must recycle including all public, private, religious, charter and boarding schools. If your school buildings generate these items, they must be collected for recycling or properly disposed.



Where generated?

How best to manage – link to additional information

Aluminum cans


Kitchen, cafeteria, teachers room, classrooms

If part of the CT bottle bill/redemption program with a 10 cent deposit, return for your dime; can also acceptable in CT’s mixed (single stream) recycling program. Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT.

Batteries - Automotive


Facility’s garage, automotive class

What Do I Do With – Batteries, Automotive

Batteries – Household Batteries


Classrooms, teacher’s lounge, administrative offices

Managing Household Batteries

Batteries – Rechargeable, Ni-Cd, Lithium Ion, Small sealed lead-acid Batteries


Facility’s office, classrooms, teacher’s lounge, administrative offices

Recycling Rechargeable Batteries

Recycling Bins and Dumpsters     How to Set Up a Recycling Program at Your School (incl. information about contracts, bins, forming a green team)



Library, end of school year

What Do I Do With – Books and Textbooks

Bottle Caps


Loose bottle caps not accepted in CT’s Mixed Recycling (single stream) program. Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT.

Box board (cereal boxes)


Kitchen, cafeteria, teachers room

Accepted in CT’s Mixed Recycling (single stream) program. Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT.

Cafeteria Waste



Candy Wrappers


Wrappers are not accepted in CT’s Mixed Recycling (single stream) program. Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT.

Additional information: What Do I Do With



Administration offices, facility spaces, kitchen

Accepted in CT’s Mixed Recycling (single stream) program. Should be flattened. Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT.

Chemicals from Chemistry Lab; Photography Class

Pollution Prevention Assistance for Schools and Universities  Find out how to limit exposure, prevent accidents and dispose of lab and cleaning chemicals properly. 

Classroom Activities

Coming Soon!

Cleaning Products - environmentally preferred cleaning products

Green Cleaning Learn about the law requiring green cleaning programs in schools. 

Find environmentally preferable cleaning products and how to clean and sanitize kitchen areas and equipment. 

Composting Food Scraps


Managing School Cafeteria Waste (incl. food sharing tables, donating surplus food, collecting food scraps, how to conduct a waste sort and alternatives to single use)

Contracts, contracting with waste, recycling and food scrap haulers

How to Set Up a Recycling Program at Your School (incl. information about contracts, bins, forming a green team)



What Do I Do With

Culinary Classrooms

Managing School Cafeteria Waste (incl. food sharing tables, donating surplus food, collecting food scraps, how to conduct a waste sort and alternatives to single use)

Donating excess food from the kitchen or cafeteria

Managing School Cafeteria Waste (incl. food sharing tables, donating surplus food, collecting food scraps, how to conduct a waste sort and alternatives to single use)

Dumpsters and Bins

How to Set Up a Recycling Program at Your School (incl. information about contracts, bins, forming a green team)



Coming Soon

Fluorescent lamps & bulbs  Yes   Fluorescent Lamp Recycling Facilities

Food from Kitchen uneaten/unopened



Managing School Cafeteria Waste (incl. food sharing tables, donating surplus food, collecting food scraps, how to conduct a waste sort and alternatives to single use)

Food from Cafeteria



Managing School Cafeteria Waste (incl. food sharing tables, donating surplus food, collecting food scraps, how to conduct a waste sort and alternatives to single use)

Food from Culinary Classroom


Culinary Arts program

Managing School Cafeteria Waste (incl. food sharing tables, donating surplus food, collecting food scraps, how to conduct a waste sort and alternatives to single use)

Food scraps – Organics Recycling Law


Kitchen, cafeteria, teachers room, culinary arts program

Managing School Cafeteria Waste (incl. food sharing tables, donating surplus food, collecting food scraps, how to conduct a waste sort and alternatives to single use)

Funding, fundraising ideas

Coming Soon

Glass bottles & jars


Kitchen, cafeteria, teachers’ room

If part of the CT bottle bill/redemption program with a 10 cent deposit, return for your dime; can also acceptable in CT’s mixed (single stream) recycling program. Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT.

Green Team

How to Set Up a Recycling Program at Your School (incl. information about contracts, bins, forming a green team)

Hazardous chemicals (pesticides, chem lab chemicals)  Yes   Pollution Prevention Assistance for Schools and Universities 

How to Create a School Recycling Program

How to Set Up a Recycling Program at Your School (incl. information about contracts, bins, forming a green team)

Paper, office paper, junk mail, newspapers, magazines, circulars, flyers


Administration offices, classrooms, teachers’ room, library

Accepted in CT’s mixed (single stream) recycling program. Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT.

Confidential/shredded paper should be collected and recycled separately – not accepted in CT’s mixed (single stream) recycling program.

Plastic bottles, jars, jugs and tubs


If part of the CT bottle bill/redemption program with a 10 cent deposit, return for your dime; most plastic containers also acceptable in CT’s mixed (single stream) recycling program (black plastic and Styrofoam containers are not accepted). Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT

Landscaping Practices  Yes   Pollution Prevention Assistance for Schools and Universities 
Landscape debris (leaves, grass, trees and tree stumps) Yes   

Leaves (must be composted) 

Grass Clippings (banned from disposal - should be left on the lawn, or if necessary, composted

Pollution Prevention Assistance for Schools and University 

Laws – Recycling & Organics

Recycling Its the Law

Commercial Organics Recycling Law



Boarding schools

Connecticut’s Mattress Recycling Program

Milk cartons, juice cartons, juice boxes


Kitchen, cafeteria, teachers’ room, classrooms

Accepted in CT’s mixed recycling program (empty of liquid). Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT.



Latex and Oil-Based- learn about free paint recycling in CT.

For large quantities of paint, contact PaintCare and ask about their Large Volume Pickup Service

Plastic film, plastic bags, plastic wrap



Nextrex School Plastic Film Recycling Challenge

More Coming Soon!

Print Shop at School

More Coming Soon!

Purchasing – Environmentally Preferred Procurement

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program Information - Related Resources

1.2 Implement Sustainable Purchasing

Laws – Recycling & Organics

Recycling Its the Law

Recycling Bins

How to Set Up a Recycling Program at Your School (incl. information about contracts, bins, forming a green team)

Sharing Tables


Managing School Cafeteria Waste (incl. food sharing tables, donating surplus food, collecting food scraps, how to conduct a waste sort and alternatives to single use)

Shredded paper/confidential paper

Administrative offices

Confidential/shredded paper should be collected and recycled separately – not accepted in CT’s mixed (single stream) recycling program.

What to do with shredded paper.

Steel cans



Accepted in CT’s mixed recycling program (empty of liquid). Learn more about What’s IN, What’s OUT at RecycleCT



This could be a community program at the school designed as a fundraiser.

Learn more about collecting textiles for reuse and recycling.

Vape pens, e-cigarettes


School building

How to Safely Dispose of E-Cigarettes: Information for Individuals (EPA, 2023)

Waste Audit, Waste Sort

Managing School Cafeteria Waste (incl. food sharing tables, donating surplus food, collecting food scraps, how to conduct a waste sort and alternatives to single use)

Waste oil, auto batteries


Management of Used Oil



Disclaimer: The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) maintains the content on this web site to enhance public access to information and facilitate understanding of waste reduction, reuse and recycling. The DEEP is not recommending these resources over any others and recognizes these represent only a partial listing of resources on this subject.


Content Last Updated March 13, 2025