Diagnostic and Therapeutic X-Ray Devices
(Medical X-Ray Devices)

- Exposure to the general public and employees are at safe levels.
- The facilities are in compliance with Connecticut's regulations.
- Exposure is kept as low as reasonably achievable while delivering the lowest practicable patient dose with the highest possible image quality.
Please visit the link below for our notice of interest regarding gonadal shielding:
Gonadal Shielding Notice (Word Document)
Manufacturers of diagnostic x-ray systems intended for human use are required to file reports of assembly upon installation of a certifiable system or component(s). The report of assembly (Form 2579) represents the assemblers certification that the system or component(s) are of the type called for by the Standard (i.e., certified), have been assembled according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer, and meets the requirements of the applicable Federal standards contained in 21 CFR 1020.30 through 1020.33. Reports must be provided to the State of Connecticut and the purchaser. Please submit this form to DEEP.DTXReg@ct.gov or DEEP.RMIReg@ct.gov
Message to vendors:
“The State of Connecticut does not require vendors that sell or service x-ray devices to register. However, if you are demonstrating devices in the state of Connecticut, we do require that you register with us before doing so.
We ask that vendors inform their customers that Connecticut state law require devices to be registered before the devices are possessed, installed, or operated.
Please direct your clients that easy and convenient filing can be done through our EZ-file portal online at www.ct.gov/deep/radiation.
Be advised - you cannot use any X-Ray devices before registering. Failure to submit a registration or a timely renewal registration, annually or biennially, shall result in being in non-compliance with Connecticut General Statute 22a-148 & 22a-150 (which requires the registration of X-Ray Devices) and may result in an enforcement action being taken by the DEEP.”
Preparation and Submittal of the Registration Form:
Use ezFile to submit your DTX registration
The CTDEEP has revised the Medical X-Ray Registration application process to improve the quality and completeness of this Registration Program. In addition to other revisions listed below, the title of the Registration Form has been changed to Diagnostic and Therapeutic X-Ray Device Registration.
Revisions to the Registration Process:
Pre-filled registration forms will no longer be sent to registered facilities.
Pending a complete (i.e., full compliance) Registration, Registrants shall be issued a Certificate of Use.
Future registration notices will be sent electronically, not via hard copy. Therefore, it is imperative that registrants provide an accurate Registrant E-mail Address (see Part II of the Form) when completing the Registration Form.
Be advised - you cannot use any X-Ray devices before registering. Failure to submit a timely renewal registration, biennially in the month of April in the even numbered years, shall result in non-compliance with Connecticut General Statute 22a-150 (which requires the Registration of X-Ray Devices) and may result in an enforcement action being taken by the DEEP.
How to Safely Dispose of X-ray Tubes:
Call manufacturer.
You may, in some cases, be able to return the x-ray tubes to the manufacturer.
Manufacturer may have specific procedures that may be helpful in disassembling and disposal.
If the x-Ray tube is made prior to July 1979 the x-ray tube itself may have PCB oil in it which is a hazardous waste and has to be disposed of properly. Review the equipment manual for list of hazardous materials or call manufacturer to check on any possible hazardous material components.
You can try donating.
Manufacturer or installer for parts.
Safely Dispose of X-ray film and Chemicals
It’s illegal to dispose of x-Ray film and chemicals into the garbage. These must be disposed of in a manner that isn't harmful to the environment, doesn’t create a safety hazard, or compromise patient safety.
Best way to get rid of old x-Ray film is to recycle. A number of companies extract the silver from the old film.
Disconnect the power supply from the x-ray tube.
Remove all radiation symbols from device.
For further information, please contact the Radiation Division at 860-424-3029 or deep.DTXreg@ct.gov
Content Last Updated February 2022