On-line Registration for Diagnostic and Therapeutic X-Ray (DTX) & Radioactive Material and Industrial X-Ray (RMI)

Link to ezFile 

Diagnostic and Therapeutic X-Ray (DTX) and Radioactive Material and Industrial X-Ray (RMI) registrations can be submitted through DEEP's on-line ezFile system.

Benefits of using ezFile include:
  • Pending applications or approved permit applications can be used as a template for new applications.
  • Registration can be "shared" with ezFile users of your choice allowing others to assist with the registration process.
  • Pre-populated drop-down lists to facilitate appropriate selections.
  • E-mail confirmation of submission, DEEP decision on the application,
Resources to assist with your transition from paper based applications and permits to ezFile:
To get started:
  1. Create your user account (use Google Chrome). Refer to detailed instructions, if needed.
    Note: The Account Security PIN is only valid for 24 hours. If your PIN has expired, go to the Account Manager and select the "Register User" option from the right hand menu.
    If you do not receive the email, check your junk or spam folder and ask your IT department staff to check their spam folder. To help ensure you receive the email:
  2. If you have questions concerning your user account, or resetting your password contact the Deep.Helpdesk.Footprints@ct.gov.

  3. Once you've created your user account, log in to ezFile and select Radiation from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.  Then enter DTX  or RMI as the permit type. Enter the facility ID to modify/renew the registration.

  4. Be sure to create your subscriber agreement before submitting your registration, select Subscriber Agreements from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen, and don't forget to hit the Submit button!
Questions regarding the registration application should be directed to Simone Maxwell,  simone.maxwell@ct.gov.

Diagnostic and Therapeutic X-Ray Devices Requiring Registration:
Please note: All facilities must register their diagnostic and therapeutic x-ray devices prior to use and biennially thereafter in the month of April in the even numbered years or when there is a change in number or location of the devices. There is a registration fee of $190.00 per x-ray device.

Be aware that if you must register devices at a new facility or additional devices at an existing facility prior to the month of April in an even numbered year, you are still required to re-register those same devices biennially. Registration fees are not prorated.

For example, if a new facility registers its devices on February 15, 2016, the facility owner must pay the full fee as part of the registration process. This new registration is valid through April 30, 2016.  In order to continue to operate the equipment, the facility owner must renew the registration (including registration fee) no later than April 30, 2016 and that renewal registration will be effective through April 30, 2018.


  • Bone Density/DEXA
  • C-Arm
  • CT Scan
  • Dental
  • Fluoroscopy
  • General Purpose
  • Hand Held
  • Mammography
  • Podiatry
  • Portable
  • Radiographic
  • Teletherapy
  • Veterinarian
    Radioactive Material and Industrial X-Ray Devices Requiring Registration:
    • X-ray equipment including but not limited to: Bomb screening x-ray; Drug screening x-ray; Metal detection x-ray; Package (Baggage) screening x-ray; Portable x-ray; Radiography camera using x-ray; Security x-ray; any other device that emits x-rays.
    • Analytic equipment for examination of materials using x-rays or sealed radioactive sources including but not limited to: Level, thickness, or density gauges (often used for process control); Alloy analyzers; Anti-static devices; Electron capture devices; Electron microscopes; Fluoroscopy units; Gas chromatographs; Gas analyzers; Moisture density gauges; X-ray diffraction units; XRF’s; or any similar devices.
    • Radiographic equipment (for examination of structure with a sealed source).
    • Particle Accelerators including but not limited to: Cyclotrons; EB Welders; Proton Accelerators; Van de Graaffs; or any similar devices.
    • Special Nuclear Material (SNM):  Uranium 233, Uranium 235, or Plutonium enriched greater than its natural abundance. (SNM does not include Source Material.)
    • Source Material:   Thorium or Natural Uranium. (Naturally occurring radioactive material which contains less than 0.05% by weight of uranium, thorium, or any combination thereof is exempt, unless designated as SNM).
    • Sealed radioactive sources. Many analytic devices contain sealed sources. Sealed sources under 1 millicurie are exempt. Any sealed source specifically exempted by the NRC is also exempt from registration.
    • Other radioactive materials including solid, liquid and gas sources used for research, diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
    Content Last Updated February 2022