Reworld Bristol, Inc.

Notice of Hearing

Applicant: Reworld Bristol, Inc.
Application Nos.: 202103504, 202107639, 202303932, 202303933, and 202305513
City/Town: Bristol

The Commissioner of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) hereby gives notice of a public hearing concerning five applications submitted under Sections 22a-208a, 22a-209c, and 22a-174 of the Connecticut General Statutes (“CGS”) and the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.

Applicant’s Name and Address: Reworld Bristol, Inc., 170 Enterprise Drive, Bristol, CT 06010

Type of Facility: Resources Recovery Facility

Facility/Site Location: 170 Enterprise Drive, Bristol, CT 06010

Application Nos.: 202103504, 202107639, 202303932, 202303933, and 202305513

Type of Permits/Activity:
Application no. 202103504 is for modification of a resources recovery facility, application no. 202107639 is for a new biomedical waste treatment facility, and application no. 202305513 is for renewal of permit to operate a resources recovery facility. All three applications relate to a solid waste permit for the Modification and Renewal of Permit to Operate and Establishment of a Biomedical Waste Treatment Facility. Application nos. 202303932 and 202303933 are for Minor Modifications to New Source Review permits for MWC Unit #1 and Unit #2: 358 TPD Ogden Martin Systems, Martin Reverse Acting Stoker Grate, Waterwall Furnace, Water-Tube Boiler Systems (Nominally Rated at 122 MMBtu/hr each) with Auxiliary Burner Systems (Rated at 50 MMBtu/hr each). The minor modifications are to allow for the firing of biomedical waste in accordance with the applicant’s applicable Bureau of Waste Management permit. A Notice of Tentative Determination was issued for these applications and published on July 5, 2024, and is available on DEEP’s website, along with copies of the draft permits, at the following link:

Through the above applications, Reworld Bristol, Inc. (“Reworld”) proposes to modify the existing resources recovery facility to accept and process Biomedical Waste (“BMW”). The facility is permitted to receive and process: (a) municipal solid waste (MSW) as defined in Section 22a-207 of the CGS; and (b) Special Waste and/or Processed Construction and Demolition Wood. BMW is a category of Special Wastes that requires special handling. Reworld proposes to receive and process no more than 57 tons per day of BMW. Reworld proposes to construct a BMW Annex to the facility building for the management of BMW. All BMW will be kept separate from all other wastes until the BMW is fed into the boilers using a computer controlled mechanical conveyor system. BMW does not include human fetal tissue, human remains, bulk pathological wastes, bulk chemotherapeutic wastes, formaldehyde, iodine, other preservatives or free flowing Biomedical liquid wastes.

Notice of Hearing:
DEEP will hold a hearing to receive public comments on the applications on November 7, 2024, at 6:30 PM via Zoom, an electronic meeting platform. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A NEW DATE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING. Registration is required; to register use the following link:  The hearing to  receive public comments will consist of informational presentations by the parties and collection of public comment.

Written comments will be accepted at the public hearing and until the close of business on November 18, 2024. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A NEW DEADLINE. Written comments may be submitted by email to or by mail at the Office of Adjudications, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106.

This matter will continue with an evidentiary hearing, for the presentation of testimony and documentary evidence by the parties to this matter, on November 21, 2024, at 9:00 AM, via Zoom. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A NEW DATE FOR THE EVIDENTIARY HEARING. Registration is required; to register use the following link:

A site visit will be held on October 9, 2024, at 10:00 AM. Those attending the site visit should be present at Reworld Bristol, Inc., 170 Enterprise Drive, Bristol, CT 06010. Safety Vests, Hardhats, and Safety Glasses will be provided by the Applicant; however, if those attending have their own PPE, please bring that PPE to the visit so that we are ensured to have enough PPE to satisfy all needs. Site visits are an opportunity for the hearing officer to observe the general characteristics of a site to provide visual references that may be useful in understanding the testimony and exhibits to be presented. While the site visit is a public meeting, it is not an opportunity for public comments or questions.

Members of the public should refer to the DEEP Calendar of Events at for the official schedule in this matter, including cancellations, or other schedule alterations.

Interested persons who wish to obtain more information regarding application nos. 202103504, 202107639, and 202305513 and draft permits may do so by contacting Brent Madho of the Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division at or (860) 424-3092 or by mail at the Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Interested persons who wish to obtain more information regarding application nos. 202303932 and 202303933 and draft permits may do so by contacting David LaRiviere of the Bureau of Air Management at or (860) 424-3549 or by mail at the Bureau of Air Management, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106.

A pre-hearing conference for the parties to discuss pre-hearing procedures will be held October 1, 2024, at 1:30 PM, via Zoom. This is a public meeting but not an opportunity for the public to provide comment. Those who wish to observe the meeting must register, using the following link:

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request an accommodation contact us at (860) 418-5910 or Individuals may also contact DEEP ADA Coordinators, Renée Lombard at (860) 816-8838 or Katya Hunt at (860) 816-8854, both located at 450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 1503, Hartford, CT 06103.

Published in the Bristol Press on September 26, 2024