Marine Terminals
An Environmental Permitting Fact Sheet
Program Overview
This licensing program, administered by the Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, regulates oil, petroleum and chemical bulk storage facilities that receive product from, or dispense it to, ships or barges. Each year more than 2 billion barrels of petroleum is transferred at Marine Terminals along Connecticut’s coast.
In considering applications, the Marine Terminals Program reviews engineering design and certification of aboveground storage facilities, the type of product stored, the storage capacity, and the age and condition of the facility tanks and other containment systems, as well as spill prevention and response plans addressing response to releases.
Authorizing Statutes
Sections 22a-449(b) and 22a-449(c) of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS)
Who Must Apply
All owners or operators of terminals which receive petroleum or hazardous chemical liquid products from waterborne vessels or dispense such products to vessels.
Required Application Documents
License Application for Marine Terminals (DEEP-MT-APP-300), including but not limited to supporting documentation such as a USGS topographic quadrangle map; site plan (approximately 24" by 36", drawn to scale); an operations manual detailing safe procedures for materials handling; a spill plan of action and a Facility Response Plan; and a list of spill containment equipment available at the facility; Applicant Compliance Information (DEEP-APP-002).Fees
A fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) is required with each application.
Review and Processing
Upon receipt of the application package and the application fee, a detailed review of the application is conducted for sufficiency, general consistency with applicable standards and criteria and technical criteria, followed by license issuance or denial.
Unique Processing Features
US Coast Guard and Environmental Protection Agency also have jurisdiction over portions of these facilities and may inspect and review any required documents. Violations of federal requirements or the failure to properly address spill prevention or remediation can affect the processing of a permit application.
Average Processing Time
For this permit program, processing time for a typical application, based upon recent experience is less than 45 days. Past performance is not a guarantee of future processing timeframes. In order to increase the efficiency of application processing, we recommend that you utilize the Department's Pre-Application Guidance process, assure that your application package is properly completed at the time of submittal, and that you promptly reply to any requests for information.
Permit Duration
The Marine Terminal License duration is three (3) years.
Contact Information
Marine Terminals Program
Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Dave Keating
Have a complaint? Click here: Complaint Intake System. If your complaint is an environmental emergency, call DEEP's Emergency Response Unit 24 hours a day at 866-DEP-SPIL (866-337-7745) or 860-424-3338.
Fact Sheet: DEEP-MT-FS-300
Users Guide to Environmental Permits
Content Last Updated October 4, 2023