Mercury-Added Product Collection System Plan

Section 22a-620 of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS)

What is the purpose of a collection system plan?
The purpose of a collection plan is to ensure that products containing mercury are not disposed of in the solid waste stream.

Who must implement a collection system plan?
A manufacturer of any mercury-added product that is offered for sale or distributed for promotional purposes in the state must implement a collection system plan. The statutes allow a manufacturer to develop a collection system plan either on its own or in concert with others.

What if the mercury-added product is a component of another product?
The collection system must provide for the removal and collection of the mercury-added component or the collection of both the mercury-added component and the product containing it.

Where must a collection system plan be submitted?
An original, written collection system plan must be submitted to:

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Mercury Program/Tom Metzner
79 Elm Street, 4th floor
Hartford, CT 06106-5127


A copy of the collection system plan must be submitted to:

Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association
129 Portland Street, Suite 602
Boston, MA 02114-2014

What type of information must be submitted in the collection system plan?
The following information must be submitted as part of a collection system plan to be considered by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP). Copies, faxes or electronics submissions will not be accepted.

  • Company name, mailing address, and internet address;
  • Contact person's name and phone number;
  • If applicable, the Industrial Trade Group name or other persons with whom the collection system plan is being submitted, their telephone, address, and contact person;
  • Documentation describing a public education program, including implementation dates, which will inform the public sector about the purpose of the collection system program and how they may participate;
  • Identification of the targeted capture rate for the mercury-added product(s), product categories, or component;
  • Documentation demonstrating the financing and implementation of the proposed collection system;
  • Documentation of the willingness of all parties to implement and participate in the program;
  • Descriptions of the performance measures to be used to demonstrate that the collection system is meeting capture rate targets;
  • Descriptions of additional or alternative actions that will be implemented to improve the collection system and its operation in the event that the program targets are not met;
  • A recycling or disposal plan;
  • A signed certification statement indicating that the collection system plan has been personally examined and that the person signing the certification is familiar with the information submitted within the collection system plan and all attachments. Any documentation submitted to the DEEP shall be signed by an officer, partner, member, manager, or other principal in accordance with the requirements of the Connecticut General Statutes.

Are biennial reports required on the effectiveness of the collection system?Yes. Not later than July 1, 2004 and biennially thereafter, the person who has submitted a collection system plan must file a report to DEEP and the Interstate Mercury Education and Reduction Clearinghouse (IMERC) on the effectiveness of their collection system.

Where must the biennial reports be submitted?
All biennial reports must be submitted to IMERC and DEEP. Copies, faxes or electronic submissions will not be accepted. All information must be either typed or printed using black ink. The written reports must be submitted to:

Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association
129 Portland Street, Suite 602
Boston, MA 02114-2014


Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Mercury Program/Tom Metzner
79 Elm Street, 4th floorHartford, CT 06106-5127

What type of information must be provided in the biennial report?
The following information must be submitted in the biennial report:

  • Estimated amount of mercury collected;
  • Capture rate for the mercury-added products, product categories, or components;
  • Results of other performance measures included in the collection system plan; and,
  • Other information as the Commissioner of Environmental Protection may require.

Are any mercury-added products exempt from the collection system plan requirement?
Refer to the Exemptions from Notification, Mercury Content Limits, Labeling, and Collection System Plan Requirements fact sheet for a list of mercury-added products which are exempt from the collection system plan requirement.

Can the cost of the collection system impact the state or local government?
No. The cost for such a collection system shall not fiscally impact the state or local government.

Contact Information and Assistance

Related Fact Sheets
Mercury DefinitionsExemptions from Notification, Mercury Content Limits, Labeling, and Collection System Plan Requirements

All environmental fact sheets are designed to provide basic information and to answer general questions. You must refer to the appropriate Connecticut General Statutes for the specific definitions and statutory requirements. 

Content Last Updated on December 15, 2006

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