How To Green Your CT State Agency
From purchasing environmentally preferable products, like non-toxic cleaners to recycling, this is your one-stop guide to finding all the resources you'll need to make your Agency a model for protecting the environment and creating a healthier workplace. To see how DEEP is greening its headquarters take a virtual tour (2011, some changes have been made since). NOTE: In 2019, Governor Lamont signed Executive Order 1, a Lead by Example initiative that requires Connecticut state agencies to meet sustainability goals that include reducing GHG emissions, water usage and waste generated. GreenerGov CT is the state's website devoted to this initiative. "Going Green" at your Agency is easier than you think. Let's get started!
- Buying a Better Way: Choosing "Green" Products from State Contracts - Presentations from June 2014 workshop for state agencies, municipalities and school districts on Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP).
- Going Green Makes Sen$e Fact sheets, signage, videos and other materials that will help you green you office from a workshop to CT State Agencies Learn about what DEEP is doing to save energy, reduce waste and more.
- Energy - State Government Leading by Example
- Purchase Environmentally Preferable Products
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle at Work
- Start a Food Waste Collection Program
- Choose Organic Land Care
- Take Action on Climate Change
- Manage Electronics And E-Waste
- Make Events and Training Green
- Encourage "Clean Commuting"
- Maintain State Vehicles
- Find Out What Other States Are Doing - Innovative programs to green government operations
Buying A Better Way: Choosing Green Products from State Contracts
These materials are from the June 2014 workshop for state agencies, municipalities and school districts, held at DEEP headquarters.
For more information contact DAS purchasing or contact Connie Mendolia at DEEP.
- Why Purchasing Counts: an overview of environmental & health impacts of purchasing. Alicia Culver, Director, Responsible Purchasing Network
- What Must You Buy Green? (It's the law!): items and statutes you must comply with. Connie Mendolia, Mary Sherwin - DEEP
- How Do You Find Green Goods? Sample Contracts, Paint & Food Service ware from DAS EPP webpage, Raul Granillo - DEEP
- Purchase This, Not That!Office Supplies
- Purchase This, Not That! Hardware Supplies
Going Green Makes Sen$e
These materials are from the Going Green Makes Sen$e workshop held at DEEP headquarters on Sept. 28, 2011. This event was sponsored by the DEEP Green Team and featured a presentation and panel discussion outlining the experiences, lessons learned and results of implementing various sustainability measures at our office.
Although the workshop audience was primarily state Agencies and municipal employees, any office can benefit from implementing these solutions. For more information contact Connie Mendolia.
For information about energy efficiency in state buildings, e-mail
Presentations/Video/Publications (pdfs)
- Going Green Tour Take a video tour of DEEP headquarters to see how we are greening our operations. (Length: 5 minutes)
- Going Green Makes Sen$e, presentation by Mary Sherwin and Connie Mendolia, DEEP Green Team Coordinators
- Know What Types of Waste You Generate, (panel discussion), Judy Belaval, DEEP
- Tales From The Trash Can A humorous video reminding DEEP staff to recycle at their main office. (Length: 3-1/2 minutes)
Office Sustainability Checklists - created in 2016, minor updates in 2023
- How to Recycle at Your Agency
- Green Purchasing - Use Environmentally Preferable Products at Your Agency
- How to Start a Resupply Center at Your Agency
- How To Start A Green Team At Your Office - Updated January 2025
Remind your employees in a friendly way to reduce, reuse, recycle and conserve with colorful signs. Posting signs throughout our building, including lunch rooms, near trash, recycling and composting containers and elevators, can be extremely helpful to reinforce the environmental message.
Print and use the signs below that we've created or design your own. We laminated our signs for durability.
- Mixed Recycling sign
- Trash Only sign
- Food Scrap Collection sign
Related Materials
Tools for Office Buildings developed by the CT Department of Public Health, provides fact sheets on indoor air quality in the workplace. A program to assess the indoor environmental quality in office buildings is available on CD .
- Recycling Works Tool kit created by the Illinois Dept. of Commerce and Economic Opportunity was designed to address waste reduction in the workplace and website also contains sample fact sheets and posters; See also Recycling Tool kit presentation
- Hartford Green Capitols Project brochure provides information about the efforts of the DEEP, EPA, MDC and State Capitol Facilities to demonstrate green infrastructures such as rain gardens, permeable pavers and concrete to limit storm water runoff.
Older Fact Sheets created for 2011 event (some information may be outdated):
All fact sheets in one document (All documents are pdfs)
- How To Reduce, Reuse And Recycle At Your Office - See updated version in section above, Office Sustainability Checklists
- Consider Including Food Scraps In Your Office Recycling Program
- Getting Started With Buying Green (Environmentally Preferable Purchasing) - See updated version in section above, Office Sustainability Checklists
- How To Start A STAR (Sort Trash And Recyclables) Program At Your Office
- How To Start A Resupply Center For Reusing Office Supplies - See updated version in section above, Office Sustainability Checklists
- How To Promote A Greener Way To Commute To Work
- How To Start Reducing Energy Use In Your Office
- Additional Resources
Lead By Example: Energy Efficiency for State and Local Government
The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s "Lead-By-Example" program (LBE) was created to educe energy use in Connecticut’s State and local government buildings and operations. One of LBE's goals was to reduce energy use in State buildings by 10% by 2013 and an additional 10% by 2018. This initiative has been revamped and is part of Connecticut's GreenerGov CT initiative. Visit the webisite at or contact
Purchasing Environmentally Preferable Products (EPPs)
- CT DEEP's Green Purchasing Policy can be used as an example of what state agencies can develop and adopt.
- Presentations from June 2014 Buying A Better Way: Choosing Green Products from State Contracts - See section at top of page.
- These State procurement regulation and policies promote environmentally preferable purchasing in Connecticut State Agencies.
- Find out about the State's EPP program and watch a video which introduces the program, describes the benefits of EPP, provides tips on how to reduce, reuse and recycle and more.
- Learn about purchasing laptops and personal computers for CT state and local government, higher education and K-12 education, including requirements that products be EPEAT and Energy Star certified.
- Useful resources and information about the procurement of EPPs, including federal programs.
- Visit The Center for Environmental Health (CEH) for information on products that do not contain the “hazardous handful” chemicals: flame retardants, fluorinated stain treatments, antimicrobials, PVC and formaldehyde.
- Healthy Green Purchasing for Asthma Prevention guidebook
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle at Work
- Use the How to Recycle at your State Agency Checklist to start or improve recycling.
- CT State Agencies, just like everyone in CT, are required to recycle the mandatory items.
- Find out how to practice the 3R's at work.
- The State of CT has a State Solid Waste Management Plan. A goal of the Plan is to increase the State's recycling rate to 58% by 2024. State Agencies need to show leadership and do their part to achieve that goal.
Start a Food Waste Collection Program
Reduce your waste and disposal costs. Find out how you can begin a organics recycling program at work. For more information about food waste composting and other options, contact Jennifer Weymouth.
Choose Organic Land Care
- There is a law banning pesticides from the grounds of day care, elementary and middle schools (grades 8 and lower) effective July 1, 2010.
- The DEEP's Office of Pollution Prevention has produced a 7-½ minute video about what it takes to "go organic" with land care.
- Do you have facilities with grounds or lawns that need to be maintained? Learn about the benefits of grasscycling.
Take Action on Climate Change
- Learn about CT's climate actions and how State Agencies agencies can do their part to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Learn about the relationship between the waste we generate and climate change.
Manage Electronics and E-waste
State and local governments purchase more than $35 billion in technology equipment annually. There is a great opportunity to show leadership in the environmentally sound and cost-effective disposal and management of electronic assets.
- Learn about Connecticut's e-waste recycling law.
- The State contract for Environmentally Preferred Disposal of Electronic Office Equipment. The vendor identifies all computers and related equipment and keeps a paper trail of the recycling and disposal of components.
- Consider joining the State Electronics Challenge (SEC). The SEC is a voluntary program that encourages state, regional, and local governments, including schools, to purchase greener products, reduce the impacts of electronic products during use, and manage obsolete electronics in an environmentally safe way. SEC is a program of the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC).
Make Events & Training Green
Training and meetings you host are opportunities to save money and have less impact on the environment. Learn some easy ways you can set an example at your next event.
Encourage Clean Commuting
- Encourage your employees to carpool, vanpool or take public transportation, including the new Fastrak busway, bike or walk and telecommuting. They can even earn rewards for their "clean commute" by signing up with CTRides.
- Contact CTrides to have them set up a transportation fair so your employees can learn about their commuting options.
- Bike Walk CT is the organization working statewide to make Connecticut bike and pedestrian friendly; They sponsor a statewide Bike to Work campaign and have resources including a list of bike buddies to ride with.
- The Department has hybrid gas-electric vehicles in it's fleet of state vehicles for employee use. These vehicles use much less fuel and are less polluting.
Maintain State Vehicles
- Does your Agency maintain a fleet? Read the Pit Stops Guidebook for information on how to prevent pollution and comply with DEEP regulations.
Find out what Other States are Doing
- New York State Green Procurement and Agency Sustainability Program
- City of Portland Oregon Green Office Guide
- State of Massachusetts "Leading by Example" Program
- State of Illinois 2010 "Green IT Challenge"
- State of Maryland "Smart, Green & Growing" Initiative
- Indiana Government Center "Green Meeting Tips"
- Greening Florida Government
- Greening Correctional Facilities, Dept of Justice
- State of New Jersey Green Purchasing Guide for Local Governments & Communities
- Portland, OR: case studies for purchasing many items from antifreeze to waterless urinals.
Content last updated January 2025