Press Releases

Fall Archery Deer and Turkey Seasons Open in September
Hunters and other State Land Users are Reminded to Wear Fluorescent Orange During Hunting Season
(HARTFORD, CT) - Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) reminds residents that the 2024 fall archery hunting season for deer on private land opens on Sunday, September 15, while the fall archery hunting seasons for deer on state land and turkey on state and private land open on Monday, September 16.
- The Fall archery hunting season for deer on private land is from September 15 through December 31, with the exception that on private land in Management Zones 11 and 12 the season extends through January 31, 2025. Archery deer hunting is allowed on Sundays on private land in all Management Zones.
- The Fall archery hunting season for deer on state Bowhunting Only Areas is from September 16 through December 31. On state lands open to hunting that are not designated as Bowhunting Only Areas, the fall archery hunting season is September 16 - November 19 and December 25 - December 31.
- The Fall archery hunting season for wild turkey on private land is from September 16 through December 31, with the exception that on private land in Management Zones 11 and 12 the season extends through January 31, 2025.
- The Fall archery hunting season for wild turkey on state Bowhunting Only Areas is from September 16 through December 31. On state lands open to hunting that are not designated as Bowhunting Only Areas, the fall archery hunting season is September 16 - November 19 and December 25 - December 31.
- Wild turkeys cannot be hunted on Sundays anywhere in the state, nor can turkeys be harvested over bait.
Wear Fluorescent Orange: Hunters are required to wear fluorescent orange while participating in most hunting activities. DEEP also highly recommends that everyone visiting state lands wear an article of fluorescent orange clothing (e.g., vest or hat) during the hunting season to maintain a safe outdoor environment for everyone.
Bowhunters are reminded that they must wear 400 square inches of fluorescent orange while walking to and from their tree stands during the firearms deer hunting season. However, once in a tree stand elevated at least 10 feet off the ground, bowhunters may remove fluorescent orange clothing.
DEEP cautions hunters and others enjoying outdoor recreation this summer and fall to take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. High rainfall and wet conditions thus far this year have led to high mosquito abundances, as well as detections of mosquito-born illnesses.
“DEEP reminds residents to take precautions against mosquito and tick bites while enjoying outdoor activities like hunting, fishing, and camping,” said DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes. “West Nile virus (WNV) has been documented in mosquitoes in several Connecticut towns and eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) has been detected in mosquitoes in parts of Eastern and now Central Connecticut. Precautions include wearing insect repellent and covering bare skin, especially during dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.”
More information about WNV and EEE, precautions against mosquito bites, the latest mosquito test results, and incidences of human infection can be found on the State of Connecticut Mosquito Management Program website.
“The best hunting opportunities still exist in the southwest corner of the state and many of the shoreline towns, especially for bowhunters,” said DEEP Wildlife Division Biologist Andy LaBonte. “Many landowners use the archery deer hunting season as a safe and effective means of reducing deer populations, especially in the more developed areas of the state where firearms hunting may not be feasible.”
Additional Information on Hunting Seasons: For additional information on deer hunting seasons, see DEEP’s deer hunting page at as well as the 2023 Connecticut Deer Program Summary at
For additional information on wild turkey hunting seasons, see DEEP’s turkey hunting page at
Interested in learning how to get started with hunting? Visit the DEEP Hunting Roadmap at There are roadmaps for all types of hunting, including deer and wild turkey.
Important note to the public: Anyone who observes a deer acting or behaving oddly or found dead from any cause other than a motor vehicle accident is encouraged to send an email to DEEP Wildlife Division Biologist Andy LaBonte at Deer suspected of being struck by a motor vehicle should be reported to local or state police departments.
Outlook for 2024 Fall Hunting Season: High recent rainfall totals bode well for deer abundance during this fall’s hunting season. During some previous years (2017, 2020, and 2022), summer drought conditions led to outbreaks of hemorrhagic disease (HD) which negatively affected deer populations. However, the summer of 2023 was much wetter, and although NOAA has not yet released rainfall totals past June of this year, all indications are that rainfall this summer will again be above average.
Important Rules and Requirements for Fall Deer and Turkey Hunting Seasons
Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp: A Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp was established in 2016 and replaced all turkey permits and the Pheasant Stamp. A Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp is required to hunt any resident (non-migratory) game bird, including wild turkey, pheasant, ruffed grouse, partridge, and quail. The cost of the Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp is:
- $28 for adult residents and non-residents; and
- $14 for Connecticut hunters ages 12 through 17.
All revenues from the sale of Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamps are deposited into a separate, non-lapsing account that is used exclusively for game birds and their habitat.
- Wild turkey hunters planning to hunt in fall 2024 need a 2024 Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp.
- Landowners who own 10 or more contiguous acres may take turkeys on their property with the Free Landowner Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp or Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamp. There is no additional bag limit for turkeys associated with the Free Landowner Game Bird Conservation Stamp.
Harvest Tags: When hunters harvest a deer or turkey, they are required to fill out a Harvest Tag, sign it, and keep the Harvest Tag with the animal until it is processed for consumption. Copies of Harvest Tags and instructions are in the printed version of the 2024 Connecticut Hunting and Trapping Guide, as well as on the DEEP website at
Report Harvest: Hunters are required to report their deer and turkey harvest within 24 hours either on the DEEP website at or by calling the toll-free number 1-877-337-4868.
- Deer hunters in Management Zones 11 and 12 who take advantage of the Replacement Antlerless and Earn-a-Buck tag programs must complete this same tagging and reporting procedure prior to going to a check station that issues replacement tags.
- A listing of replacement tag vendors is available on the DEEP website.
- After reporting their harvest via the internet or by telephone, hunters will be given a confirmation number to write on their Harvest Tag. This confirmation number serves as proof that the harvest was legally reported.
Additional Information:
- All private land archery hunters are required to carry a DEEP consent form signed by the landowner and dated for the current season. Consent forms can be found in the Hunting Guide or at
- Deer permits and Resident Game Bird Conservation Stamps can be purchased online at or at participating town halls and vendors.
- Hunters should consult the DEEP website for an up-to-date listing of new state lands open to archery hunting.
Photo credit: Paul J. Fusco/CT DEEP-Wildlife Division.
Connecticut provides many excellent opportunities to harvest white-tailed deer. The best opportunities to harvest deer are in the southwest corner of the state and many of the shoreline towns, especially for bowhunters.
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DEEP Communications