Press Releases

DEEP Announces Launch of 2018 No Child Left Inside Great Park Pursuit
Kick-off at Wharton Brook State Park in Wallingford Saturday, May 12, 2018
Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) announced that registration for the 2018 No Child Left Inside® Great Park Pursuit – Connecticut State Parks Family Adventure is now open at through Friday, May 4, 2018.
“The No Child Left Inside program has been an important part of Connecticut summers for more than a decade,” said DEEP Commissioner Robert Klee. “As the father of two boys, who both love the natural world, the No Child Life Inside program is always a summer highlight for us. I encourage families across the state to get outside and enjoy the fresh air, sunlight and share in those moments that will create memories for parent and child alike.”
The Great Park Pursuit is a series of activities designed to introduce families to the outdoors, build the next generation of environmental stewards and showcase Connecticut’s State Parks and Forests this spring.
The Great Park Pursuit is a series of activities designed to introduce families to the outdoors, build the next generation of environmental stewards and showcase Connecticut’s State Parks and Forests this spring.
The 2018 Great Park Pursuit kicks-off with the FREE Family Fishing Day (no license required) at Wharton Brook State Park in Wallingford on Saturday, May 12, 9 AM – 3 PM, and will end June 16 with a Campout at Salt Rock Campground in Sprague, CT. There will also be activities at a different state park on the four Saturdays in between.
Registration is not required, but families or teams, with at least one adult 18 years or older and one child under 18, who do pre-register and attend all six weeks of the program will be eligible to win a prize.
To be eligible for the final prize, families must pre-register by May 4, 2018, attend all 6 weeks of the game, check in at the registration table at each location, hand-in an activity card and provide documentation that they attended the self-guided events.
To be eligible for the final prize, families must pre-register by May 4, 2018, attend all 6 weeks of the game, check in at the registration table at each location, hand-in an activity card and provide documentation that they attended the self-guided events.
Launched in 2006, No Child Left Inside® is a promise to introduce children to the wonder of nature – for their own health and well-being, for the future of environmental conservation, and for the preservation of the beauty, character and communities of the great State of Connecticut.
Today’s children have become disconnected from nature – or more prophetically as author Richard Louv writes – are suffering from "nature deficit disorder." Instead of spending endless hours outside riding bikes and climbing tress – i.e. being kids – they are playing video games, surfing the web, watching TV and texting. The No Child Left Inside® initiative provides the necessary opportunity for children to unplug from technology and unearth the vast opportunities that Connecticut’s State Parks and Forests have to offer.
For more information regarding dates/locations and themes of each event, please visit the following website
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