Forestry Publications


Timber Tax Tips
Tax tips for various scenarios involving forest ownership and business.

Brochure on "Ever Thought of Selling Your Timber?"
Advice to follow and pitfalls to avoid when selling timber from your woodland.

Income Tax Deduction for Timber Casualty Loss
Timber damaged by hurricane, fire, earthquake, ice, hail, tornado, high wind and other storms are "casualty losses" that may allow timberland owners to claim a deduction on their federal income tax returns.

Understanding Connecticut Woodland Owners: A Report on the Attitudes, Values and Challenges of Connecticut's Family Woodland Owners
This March 2015 report builds upon the National Woodland Owner Survey, undertaken by the US Forest Service. This report provides important insights into the largest group of owners of Connecticut's woodlands.

National Firewood Task Force Recommendations, APHIS PPQ Comments on National Firewood Task Force Recommendations
Many forests in the United States are under attack by non-native, invasive species of insects and diseases resulting in millions of trees damaged or killed in recent years. When people move firewood, it provides a pathway for moving these pests from one area to another often over long distances.

State Vegetation Management Task Force Report
Recommendations and standards for planting, removal and maintenance of roadside trees.


Agriculture, Forestry and Wetlands Protection in Connecticut
Explains relationship of forestry and agricultural pursuits and state laws regulating wetlands and watercourses.

Best Management Practices
Guidance for certified forest practitioners, private landowners, and municipal officials in the understanding of best management practices while harvesting timber.

Examining Land for Classification as Forest Land....A Guide for Assessors and Foresters
Forest land is taxed at a lower rate, which makes it advantageous for land owners to reclassify their land use.

FEMA Debris Management Guidelines for Trees (excerpt from FEMA 325)
Description of the eligibility for reimbursement for the removal of vegetative debris, trees, and stumps.

Forest Practices Study Guide
Contains a description of the requirements for certification, describes the three different levels of certification that can be achieved, provides reference information to assist applicants in passing the certification examinations, and will serve as a valuable reference aiding practitioners in complying with regulations once they have achieved certification.

Ice Storm Response
For trees, ice storms can be among the most devastating types of storms. A bad ice storm can effectively strip a tree of most of its branches, cause large trees to topple, and create all sorts of hazards that can make it dangerous for people to be out and about during the storm, or in its aftermath.

Impact of Section 60 of PA 13-298 on Tree Wardens
The impact of Section 60 of Public Act 13-298 on a tree warden's power and duties pertaining to utility pruning and removal of trees and shrubs.

Connecticut Tree Owner's Manual
An illustrated guide to tree care, covering everything from planting to maintenance to removal.


Bird Checklist for Naugatuck State Forest
Naugatuck State Forest is a designated Important Bird Area due to the wide diversity of bird habitats.

Blue Ribbon Commission on Land Conservation - 2010 Report to the Governors
This report includes a description of the Keep Forests as Forests Initiative, of which Connecticut is a part. Initiative to keep farmlands in farming, keep forests as forests, connect people to the outdoors, protect wildlife habitats, and safeguard costal and estuarine lands.

Forest Resource Plan

Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy (table of contents)

Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy (2010)

Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy (2015)

Flyer Describing the Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy
The Connecticut Forest Resource Assessment and Strategy, now known as the Connecticut Forest Action Plan analyzes the current conditions and trends of forests in Connecticut and lays out strategies and action steps to best plan for the future of the forested landscape.

Why We Manage Connecticut State Forests
The basics of why and how the dedicated people of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection's Division of Forestry manage your State Forests.


Bird Checklist for Naugatuck State Forest
Naugatuck State Forest is a designated Important Bird Area due to the wide diversity of bird habitats.

Brochure Describing What Service Foresters Have to Offer
Describes the various service that private woodland owners can obtain from the Division of Forestry.

Connecticut Tree Laws, revised 2010 - available only in printed form. Please contact regarding availability. Table of Contents from Connecticut Tree Laws, with links to the Statutes.

Directory of Certified Forest Practitioners
Lists foresters and loggers that are currently certified to conduct commercial forest practices within the State of Connecticut.

Directory of Primary Processors of Forest Products
Listing of sawmills located in Connecticut. Sawmills that conduct business in Connecticut but are located in another state are not included.

Connecticut Primary Wood Producers (interactive map showing state's wood producers)


Economic Impacts of Connecticut's Agricultural Industry
Information on the economic contributions of Connecticut's forest products industry.

The Economic Importance of Connecticut's Forest Based Economy 2015
Shows the economic impact of various forest related sectors on the state.

Forest Products Industry Economic Contributions: Connecticut 2017
Key economic findings about Connecticut's Forest Products industry. 

Forest Products Industry Economic Contributions: Connecticut 2020
Key economic findings about Connecticut's Forest Products industry. 

Southern New England Stumpage Price Survey Results
Survey of prices paid for sawtimber, fuelwood, biomass, and pulpwood.

Sustainable Yield of Timberland Managed by Division of Forestry
Estimating the sustainable yield of the State of Connecticut Division of Forestry's commercially suitable timberland.

Forestry Articles in Connecticut Wildlife Magazine

Connecticut Wildlife

Connecticut Wildlife is a publication of the DEEP Division of Wildlife. Periodically, articles on forestry are included.

Annual Timber Production and Forest Management Output Information

Annual Report Description and Information
Describes the criteria for the data collected in the Certified Forest Practitioner Annual Report Summary

Certified Forest Practitioner Annual Report Summary
A summary of forestry and forest products harvesting and related activities.

USDA Forest Service Connecticut Forest Resource Fact Sheets and Other Publications

Connecticut Forest Inventory and Analysis - USDA Forest Service

Connecticut Forest Resources, 201920182017, 2016

The Forests of Southern New England, 2007: A report on the forest resources of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island

Urban Forest Data for Connecticut

The Highlands of Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania

Content last updated in May 2024.