Connecticut Weatherization Assistance Program Subgrantee Documentation and Information Page

The following documents provide the information needed to successfully administer the U.S. Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program in Connecticut. If you have any questions or issues with the documentation, please email:

State Plans
Connecticut Weatherization Assistance Program Field Guide and Manuals
Connecticut Weatherization Assistance Program Fuel Pricing
Connecticut Guidance
  1. Primary Window/Door Replacements Storm Window/Door Replacements
  2. Weatherization of Multi-Family Dwellings
  3. Implementation of DOE Lead-Safe Weatherization and EPA's Lead Renovation, Repair Rule (RRP)
  4. Insulation Certificate to Clients and Dates
  5. Compliance with DOE Historic Preservation
  6. Compliance with SHPO-CT WAP-OPM Historic Preservation Agreement
  7. Use of Sidewall Insulation Waiver
  8. Landlord Contribution to CT WAP Weatherization
  9. Audit and Completion Timeline for Weatherization Work
  10. Payments to Subcontractors for Weatherization Work
  11. Verification of Eligibility Status
  12. Thermostat Installation
  13. Audit Input Into NEAT, MHEA Audit Tool Software
  14. Audit Preparation Dates
  15. Inspection Requirements and "Go-Backs"
  16. Use of Standard Quote Form for Heating System Replacement
  17. Inputting Vacant and Ineligible Multifamily Units Into Audit Tool Software
  18. Air Sealing and How to Calculate the MVG
  19. The Use of the Individual SIR in the CT WAP Program
  20. Installation of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
  21. Quotes for Primary Heating, Domestic Hot Water, and Oil Tanks
  22. Written Response to Corrective Actions in Monitoring Reports
  23. Desk Monitoring of BWRs and Potential for Temporary Disallowances
  24. Communication of Hazard and Work Site Flow
  25. Communication of Hazard and Work Site Flow (Alternate)
  26. Completion Certificates to Clients
  27. Implementation of DOE Lead Safe Weatherization and EPA Lead Renovation and Repair Rules and Dates
  28. Reallocation of Program Support Credits to Materials Budget Category
  29. Heating Systems, Oil Tanks, and Hot Water Heaters
  30. Client Intake for CT WAP
  31. Debarment Checks In CT WAP
  32. Waitlist and Priorities
  33. Energy Star Rated Appliance Replacement Policy Update
  34. ASHRAE 62.2-2016 DOE WAP Compliance
  35. WI-FI Enabled Devices
  36. Notification of Quality Control Inspection Policy
  37. Self-Certification and Proof of Eligibility
  38. Health and Safety Intake Survey for CT WAP
  39. Reimbursement for Heating System Replacements
  40. Radon Disclaimer (2018)
  41. Site-Specific Assessment Regarding Excessive Storage Conditions
  42. Updated Policy and Procedure When Using Weatherization Assistant 8.9 Audit Tool 
  43. Updated Policy and Procedure For Audit Tool Quality Assurance and Quality Control Inspections
  44. Classifications and Definitions of Building Space
  45. Inspection and Assessment of Inoperable Heating Systems
  46. Daily Checkout - Test-Out Policy and Procedure
  47. Planning For Statewide Emergencies
  48. Policy Regarding WAP Communications
  49. Updated Policy and Procedure Regarding Approved Setup Libraries in the Weatherization Assistant 8.9 Audit Tool
  50. Updated Policy and Procedure When Using the Weatherization Assistant 8.9 Audit Tool
  51. Updated Policy and Procedures Regarding Specifications for HVAC Procurements
  52. Updated Policy and Procedure Regarding Quality Assurance and Quality Control Inspections of DOE WAP Projects
  53. Updated Policy and Procedure Regarding Updated ASHRAE 62.2 - 2016 Policy and Procedures
  54. Updated Policy and Procedure Regarding Clothes Dryer Appliance Exhaust Ventilation
COVID-19 Updates and Documents (PY 2020)
  1. June 11, 2020 DEEP Determination - H&S Protocols for CL&M and WAP
  2. June 11, 2020 DEEP H&S Protocols (FINAL)
  3. HS Guidelines_Phase 2_ Final
  4. Alternative EHE H-S Guidance
  6. Work Clothing Advisory - Final
Connecticut Reporting Forms and Documents 
  1. Air Sealing Work Order
  2. Burner Combustion Efficiency Report
  3. Carbon Monoxide Disclaimer
  4. Connecticut Combustion Appliance Safety Inspections and Testing
  5. Examples of How to Come Up With the Net Worst-Case CAZ
  6. Data Collection Form
  7. CT WAP Electrical Inspection Form
  8. Input Sheet/Work Order
  9. Health and Safety Disclaimer
  10. Sample Renovation Recordkeeping Checklist
  11. Moisture / Mold Assessment Action Plan Steps
  12. Mold Disclaimer
  13. EPA Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home
  14. Notice of Postponement of Services
  15. EPA Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right
  16. Sidewall Insulation Waiver
  17. Smoke / CO Detector Disclaimer
  18. OSHA Quick Card: Protect Yourself Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  19. Weatherization Agreement
  20. Weatherization Waiver Request
  21. Weatherization Field Visit Form
  22. Waiver and Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement
  23. Insulation Certificate
  24. Energy Audit Data Collection Form
  25. Historic Preservation Compliance Chart
  26. Sample Pre-Renovation Form
  27. United Inch Best Practices
  28. Weatherization Heating System Standard Quote Form
  29. Weatherization Standard Heating System Standard Quote Form (Alternate)
  30. Training and Technical Assistance Retention Agreement
  31. OSHA Fact Sheet: Confined Spaces in Construction: Crawl Spaces and Attics
  32. Weatherization Client File Checklist
  33. QCI Final Inspection Form
  34. QCI Inspection Report
  35. Weatherization SHPO Agreement (2030) (PA with Attachments)
  36. Weatherization Pre-Entry Hazard Assessment
  37. Confined Space Entry Program Template
  38. Confined Space Entry Program Template (Alternative)
  39. Weatherization Intake Form
  40. Weatherization Client Health Intake Survey
  41. Radon Disclaimer
  42. EPA A Citizen's Guide to Radon
  43. Certification of Zero Income Form
  44. QCI Final Inspection Checklist
  45. Weatherization Daily Test-Out Form
  46. Weatherization Quality Assurance Inspection Report
US Department of Energy Notices and Memorandums

DOE Weatherization Assistance Program Notices and Memos


Content last modified June 7, 2024