Tidal Wetlands

Tidal wetlands are some of the most biologicallyimportant resources in the world and have
significant economic value. Learn about how tidal
wetlands provide important benefits to

Tidal wetlands can be sensitive to disturbances.Learn about the many ways individuals, property
owners, and communities can help protect
Connecticut’s tidal wetlands.
It is a policy of Connecticut to preserve
tidal wetlands and to prevent their degradation
and loss. Learn about Connecticut’s efforts to
restore tidal wetlands that have been adversely
East River Marsh Conservation Planning
Connecticut DEEP is working with Audubon Connecticut and others
to develop a vision to sustain the East River Marsh in Guilford and Madison, Connecticut as it responds to expected increases in the rate of sea level rise. An East River Marsh Fact Sheet and Resilience Assessment have been prepared to help chart a course to sustain the marsh for the 21st century and beyond.
Additional Resources & Links
Content Last Updated October 15, 2020