Blue Plan Related Resources & Links

Background Documents on Cross-Sound Infrastructure

Comprehensive Assessment and Report on the Environmental Resources and Energy Infrastructure of Long Island Sound: June 3, 2003 Report from the Task Force on Long Island Sound established by PA 02-95/Executive Order 26 to examine and evaluate the state’s processes for balancing energy reliability and the need for transmission expansion projects, both for Connecticut and for the region, with enhanced protection of the natural resources of Long Island Sound

Federal and Regional Marine Spatial Planning

NOAA Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning: Overview of national and regional coastal and marine spatial planning

Northeast Regional Planning Body: New England’s Regional Ocean Planning Body, organized under the National Ocean Strategy

Northeast Ocean Data Portal: A very useful compilation of resource, habitat, and human use data for the entire Northeast region, including Long Island Sound

Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body: The Regional Ocean Planning Body extending from New York to Virginia

Mid-Atlantic Data Portal: Provides data on ocean science and maps through a state-of-the-art data visualization, storytelling, and networking platform.

Voices for the Ocean 2016: A summary of what the National Ocean Council Governance Coordinating Committee (GCC) views as the most important inter-jurisdictional ocean issues for the Nation.

Neighboring State Marine Spatial Plans

New York Ocean Action Plan: New York’s plan for the offshore ocean area, not including Long Island Sound

New York State Geographic Information Gateway: Data portal to information about New York’s lands and waters

Massachusetts Ocean Management Plan: First completed in 2009, reviewed and updated in 2015

Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan: First completed in 2010, reviewed and updated in 2015

Other Links to Marine Spatial Planning

NOAA Digital Coast Ocean Dimensions Video: Provides background information on ocean planning

NOAA Digital Coast Ocean Dimensions 3-D Interactive Map: Provides information about the ocean spanning three dimensions and includes resources and uses on the sea surface, seafloor, water column, and air column

Keep the Ocean Working: A wide variety of stakeholders explain their commitment to and support for marine spatial planning

Green Fire Productions, Ocean Frontiers Film Series: Short films illustrating the CMSP process, including in New England

Connecticut-New York Bi-State Long Island Sound Marine Spatial Planning Working Group Documents

Options for Developing Marine Spatial Planning in Long Island Sound: Sound Marine Planning Interim Framework Report, Draft January 2016

Options for Stakeholder Engagement in Long Island Sound Marine Spatial Planning, February 2016

Final Report for the Development of Options for Stakeholder Engagement for Long Island Sound Marine Spatial Planning, February 2016

Findings from Early Interviews with Stakeholders Related to Marine Spatial Planning in Long Island Sound, February 2016

Data and Information Phase I Report, November 2015

Data and Information Phase II Final Report, March 2016

LIS Data Inventory Evaluation with Criteria - Final If you do not have Excel, download the Excel viewer.

Content Last Updated on February 4, 2020