Urban Forested Natural Area and Riparian Corridor Restoration Grant Program

The Urban Forested Natural Area and Riparian Corridor Restoration Grant Program is available to help support local land managers in their efforts to address forest health issues by providing funding that can support management interventions to promote the health and resilience of urban natural forested areas and riparian corridors. Such projects may include, but are not limited to, chemical or mechanical removal of invasive plant species, vine removal, tree planting, and other site treatments intended to slow the spread of invasive plants and promote regeneration of native tree species. Grant recipients must either be a local government entity or a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered with the CT Secretary of State, and the maximum individual award is $20,000.

Application Submission

Application Form

Application Deadline

January 31, 2025

Application Closed Date

January 31, 2025 

Associated Documents or Websites 

Urban Forested Natural Areas and Riparian Corridor Restoration Grant Program

Point of Contact 

Les Welker | DEEP.UCF.Grants@ct.gov