Historical Regulatory Revisions and Hearing Reports
Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA)
Sections 22a-174-1 to 22a-174-200
Abatement of Air Pollution
On July 1, 2017, the eRegulation System became the official version of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies and the electronic repository for the regulation-making records. The following table includes historical regulatory text for regulations amended before July 1, 2017. Please note these documents below are provided for historical reference only, please refer to the eRegulation System for all current regulations.
How to Use This Table
Each regulation section in the left hand column links directly to its current form in the eRegulations System. The center column link provides the collected historical versions of the relevant regulatory section, listed by the effective date. The right hand column provides available hearing reports. Hearing reports include the comments submitted during the regulatory adoption process and the Department’s responses to such comments and thereby provide insight into the Department's intention concerning regulatory language.
Additional Historical Regulation Documentation
The Abatement of Air Pollution Regulations are currently adopted under the authority of C.G.S. 22a-174. C.G.S. 22a-174 was previously numbered as C.G.S.19-508. In 1983, C.G.S. 19-508 was transferred, and the regulations were under it were renumbered (see Public Act No. 83-277). The air pollution regulations as they existed when renumbered, effective August 1, 1983 are available in a combined file. Additionally, the historical versions above do not include the June 1972 regulations. These are documented as one PDF collection: 1972 Regulations.
* If you experience difficulty opening an historical file in the table below, try saving the file to your computer and making sure the file is opened with the most current version of Adobe.
Section Number
Hearing Reports
(Date noted may be the date of the hearing, the date the hearing report was signed or the effective date of the action)
(The LOC report has been included if changes were mandated after the hearing process)
October 3, 1989
April 25, 1988
July 1, 1986
December 17, 1984
Formerly identified as section
September 24, 1982
February 20, 1976
August 20, 1974
June 1, 1972
but not replaced) Registrations issued under the former Section 2 are still active until revoked under the Rules of Practice |
Repealed effective March 15, 2002 with finalization of 22a-174-2a.
Procedural requirements for new source review and Title V permitting |
Permits (REPEALED and replaced with 22a-174-3a) Permits issued under the former Section 3 are still active until revoked or superseded |
Repealed effective March 15, 2002 with finalization of 22a-174-3a,3b,3c.
December 2, 1994
October 3, 1989
December 27, 1988
(February 1989)
April 25, 1988
July 1, 1986
December 1983
Formerly identified as section
September 24, 1982
October 10, 1980
June 1, 1972
Permit to Construct and Operate Stationary Sources |
Exemptions from permitting for construction and operation of external combustion units, automotive refinishing operations, emergency engines, nonmetallic mineral processing equipment and surface coating operations
Limitations on potential to emit for external combustion units, emergency engines, automotive refinishing operations, nonmetallic mineral processing equipment and surface coating operations
An air quality permit-by-rule for combined heat-and-power (CHP) systems.
Source monitoring, record keeping, and reporting
Methods for sampling, emission testing, sample analysis and reporting
May 26, 2004
December 1989
April 25, 1988
May 18, 1983
October 5, 1977
June 1, 1972
Air pollution emergency episode procedures
Air pollution control equipment and monitoring equipment operation
Compliance plans and schedules
October 10, 1980
August 31, 1979
June 1, 1972
Prohibition of air pollution
Public availability of information
December 1983
June 1, 1972
Prohibition against concealment or circumvention
December 1983
June 1, 1972
Violations and enforcement
December 1983
June 1, 1972
December 1983
June 1, 1972
Compliance with regulation no defense to nuisance claim
December 1983
June 1, 1972
December 1983
June 1, 1972
Responsibility to comply with applicable regulations
June 1, 1972
Control of open burning
Control of particulate matter and visible emissions
Control of sulfur compound emissions
December 1983
Formerly identified as section
November 2, 1981
May 29, 1980
October 5, 1977
November 14, 1975
June 1, 1972
Control of sulfur dioxide emissions from power plants and other large stationary sources of air pollution
Control of Organic Compound Emissions
April 1998
March 1, 1995
December 27, 1988
April 1, 1987
December 27, 1984
Formerly identified as section
September 24, 1982
November 1, 1981
October 10, 1980
May 30, 1975
August 28, 1973
June 1, 1972
Control of carbon monoxide emissions
June 1, 1972
Control of nitrogen oxides emissions
(REPEALED, Effective June 1, 2018)
June 23, 1986
Formerly identified as section
June 1, 1972
The Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Budget Program |
Repealed effective 9/4/07 with finalization of 22a-174-22c.
Formerly identified as section
(PDF, 453K)
March 1999
The Post-2002 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Budget Program
(REPEALED, Effective May 1, 2010) |
September 29, 1999
(October 1999)
March 1999
The Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Ozone Season Trading Program
Control of nitrogen oxides emissions from fuel-burning equipment at major stationary sources of nitrogen oxides
High daily NOx emitting units at non-major sources of NOx
Control of odors
Connecticut primary and secondary standards
April 25, 1988
Formerly identified as section
November 2, 1981
October 10, 1980
June 1, 1972
(REPEALED, Effective February 1, 2010)
December 1983
Formerly identified as section
April 4, 1972
Emission standards and on-board diagnostic II test requirements for periodic motor vehicle inspection and maintenance
March 26, 1998
July 26, 1995
April 21, 1994
Formerly identified as section
September 24, 1982
Oxygenated gasoline
Hazardous air pollutants
October 21, 1988
(February 1989)
April 25, 1988
July 1, 1986
Dispensing of gasoline/Stage I and Stage II vapor recovery
November 24, 1992
Stage I vapor recovery
Control of Carbon Dioxide/Carbon Dioxide Budget Trading Program
Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for organic compounds
November 18, 1993
Title V Sources
Low Emission Vehicles
Heavy Duty Diesel Engines
Low Emission Vehicles II Program
Low Emission Vehicles III Program
Emergency Utility Authorization
Emergency Regulation
Expired August 31, 1996
Zero and Low Emissions Vehicles
Emergency Regulation
Expired 12/31/2012
Municipal Waste Combustors
February 2, 2004
June 28, 1999
Consumer Products
Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings
Portable Fuel Container Spillage Control
Adhesives and sealants
Permits for construction of indirect sources
Formerly identified as section
December 1983
June 30, 1977
May 30, 1975
August 20, 1974
Deactivation of air pollution control systems or mechanisms from motor vehicles
December 1983
September 24, 1982
Table of Current Air Regulations
Content Last Updated on April 29, 2021