Air Permitting Assistance

Question Mark Bubble
Need Air Permitting Help or Have an Air Permitting Question?
Contact us at or (860) 424-4152
Request a Pre-Application Meeting
We strongly encourage you to meet with a CT DEEP permit engineer early in your project planning and prior to submitting an air permit application to facilitate the processing of your permit application. A permit engineer will help you identify relevant permitting issues including permitting options, necessary forms, expectations, and timeframes. Please visit the DEEP Permits and Licenses webpage for more information and how to request one of these helpful meetings.
Permitting Application Status
Permitting Support
Permitting Tools
Air Permitting Wizard Screenshot
This interactive questionnaire will help you determine the permit applicability for a new air pollution emissions source by answering a series of questions related to that source.  This questionnaire currently covers RCSA Sections 22a-174-3a, -3b, -3c and -42.
NOTE: The Air Permit Wizard is not compatible with the online/cloud version of Microsoft Office 365.  To use this wizard, download and save the file to your computer and open with the Microsoft Excel desktop application.
CT BACT Database Screenshot

(.zip, MS Access)
Updated 3/19/2024

The CT BACT Database allows you to search recent major source and minor source BACT determinations made in CT to aid in the preparation of a BACT Determination for an application.

NOTE: If you do not have the full version of Microsoft Access installed on your computer, you can download and install the free Microsoft 365 Access Runtime that should allow you to open and run the database.

Radius Tool Screenshot
The DEEP Air Inventory Radius Search Tool allows you to enter a geographic location (“centroid”) in UTM format, and a radius in kilometers, and retrieve a list of inventoried point sources within that radius to aid in the preparation of a modeling analysis for an application.
The tool was upgraded to version 2.4 in February 2019 and allows the user to select a save location for the MSExcel output.  PDF output is no longer generated. 
NOTE: If you do not have the full version of Microsoft Access 2016 installed on your computer, you can download and install the free Microsoft Office Access 2016 Runtime that should allow you to open and run the database.
engine calculator screenshot
CTDEEP calculator for determining criteria air pollutant, greenhouse gas and hazardous air pollutant emissions from stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines using AP-42 emission factors or manufacturer's data. This calculator will also calculate allowable emissions if your emergency engine operates under RCSA 22a-174-3b(e).
CTDEEP Boiler Emissions Calculator
CTDEEP calculator for determining criteria pollutant and hazardous air pollutant emissions from boilers using AP-42 emission factors or manufacturer's data.
CO2 Equivalents Calculator
CTDEEP calculator for calculating CO2 equivalents for various greenhouse gases (GHGs) using their respective global warming potentials and the expected mass emission rate of those various GHGs from a source.
MASC Calculator Screenshot
CTDEEP calculator for determining HAP MASC compliance based on the calculation procedures in RCSA Section 22a-174-29.  A User Guide is included in the Excel file.
LandGEM Screenshot
LandGEM v3.02 (MS Excel)
LandGEM is an EPA model which provides a relatively simple approach to estimating landfill gas emissions.  LandGEM is based on a first-order decomposition rate equation for quantifying emissions from the decomposition of landfilled waste in MSW landfills.

Fact Sheets and Forms
Emission Factor Links
If manufacturer’s data or stack test data is not available for your source, you may find relevant emission factors at one of the following sites to aid you in calculating emissions from your source.
WEBFIRE (fast access to EPA emission factors)
Federal and State Regulation Links
State Regulation Links
Connecticut General Statutes (CGS)
Connecticut Abatement of Air Pollution Regulations (RCSA) Clean Air Act (CAA)

New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
Part 60 NSPS Standards Delegated to Connecticut
40 CFR Part 60 - NSPS (federal regulation)
TCEQ List of NSPS (links to fact sheets, flow diagrams, etc.)

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)
Part 61 NESHAP Standards Delegated to Connecticut
Part 63 NESHAP Standards Delegated to Connecticut
40 CFR Part 63 - NESHAPs (federal regulation)
TCEQ List of NESHAPs (links to fact sheets, flow diagrams, etc.)
EPA NESHAP Website (EPA contacts for each NESHAP)

Acid Rain
40 CFR Part 72 - Acid Rain (federal regulation)
EPA Acid Rain Home Page

Content Last Updated April 16, 2024