Youth Service Bureau

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) Youth Service Bureau (YSB) Grant Program is to assist municipalities and private youth-serving organizations designated to act as agents for municipalities in establishing, maintaining or expanding such YSBs.   Under the program DCF provides cost-sharing grants to eligible YSBs, grant management services, program monitoring, program evaluation and technical assistance.

Navigate to:

Overview YSB Laws and Regulations Applying for State Funding Program Information Juvenile Review Boards (JRBs) Reporting Contacts


Local communities began to develop YSBs in the 1960’s as a response to a growing number of issues affecting youth.  The role of the YSBs has been expanded to include both advocacy and coordination of a comprehensive service delivery system for youth. YSBs are organized to provide:
  1. Administrative services, including an assessment of youth needs and the coordination of services for youth. Administrative core unit functions include:
    •  general administration
    • research
    • resource development
    • community involvement
    • youth advocacy
  2. Direct services for youth that may include:
    • recreational activities
    • individual and group counseling
    • parent training and family therapy
    • work placement and employment counseling
    • alternative and special educational opportunities
    • outreach programs
    • teen pregnancy services
    • suspension/expulsion services
    • diversion from juvenile justice services
    • preventive programs including youth pregnancy, youth suicide, violence, alcohol and drug use
    • programs that develop positive youth involvement

Additionally, each YSB is required to have an advisory board responsible for making recommendations on overall policy and program direction of the YSB.


YSB Laws and Regulations (Updated 7/1/2019)


Applying for State Funding


Program Information

FWSN Referrals



Juvenile Review Boards (JRBs)




The revised YSB/JRB program data collection form to be used for the current, 2022-2023 program year is listed below. While the form is in the same excel format, in keeping with DCF's ongoing effort to enhance the system data available to YSBs, DCF and stakeholders, a number of improvements have been made. It is recommended that the Tier 2 and JRB sheets be filled out periodically to avoid year-end scramble.

The Ohio Scales have been added to the form as it has been a standing recommendation of the JJPOC Diversion subcommittee that JRB utilize Ohio Scales for all youth served.


Data Collection Form (Updated on 12/1/22)

Data Collection Form Instructions and FAQs

NEW 12/14/22 DATA TRAINING RECORDING: Training on the DCF Data Collection Report due 8/1/2023.




Programmatic: Steve Smith,

Financial: Stacie Albert,