USD2LogoMission StatementUnified School District #2 recognizes that each child is an individual; that all children are creative; that all children need to succeed. Therefore, USD #2 respects the individual needs of children; fosters a caring and creative environment; and emphasizes the social, emotional, physical, intellectual development of each child.  


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Engaging Students

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Virtual Academy
Virtual Academy FAQs

Engaging Students
  • Why do people, including students, do the things that they do?
  • How can we motivate  our students to work hard in school? 
  • Click here to join a conversation with Connecticut educators on these and other topics related to school success.


Four Promises

As educators committed to the personal wellbeing and academic success of the children and young people under our care, we make the following promises to each student upon their admission to one of our USD2 schools:
  1. Empowerment:  We will make every effort to persuade you that you are a powerful, self-directed learner who is capable of setting the course for your own education, growth and happiness.
  2. Literacy:  If reading is a challenge for you, we will provide you with a high quality literacy program that identifies the obstacles that have impeded your reading performance in the past and sets you on a course to reading success.  If you are an accomplished reader, we will provide you with opportunities to use your reading skills to explore the world of human knowledge and imagination.
  3. Success Planning:  We will engage you in a process of thoughtful exploration and reflection through which you will create a personal plan for future educational and career success.
  4. The Common Core Standards:  We will provide you with an engaging program of instruction consistent with the Common Core Standards in all of the subject areas required by the State of Connecticut.


To Our Students

We want our students, and their families, to know what they can expect of the educators who serve them in our district schools.  That's why the follow statement is included in our school handbooks and posted in every classroom:
As your teachers, you can count on us to:
  • Be knowledgeable and enthusiastic about what we teach;
  • Be active learners ourselves;
  • Provide you with a clear description of what we expect you to learn and what “quality work” looks like;
  • Expect you to do well;
  • Check to make sure that you understand what we are teaching;
  • Provide you with regular information about your progress and academic standing;
  • Ask for your ideas about how our classes might be improved and how you might learn more;
  • Provide extra help when you need it;
  • Treat you with care and respect; and……..
  • Celebrate your success!



Virtual Academy

Each day there are over 3,000 DCF Youth in care attending schools across Connecticut.  Many of our youth in high school are under-credited and behind in meeting state graduation requirements. The DCF Virtual Academy of Unified School District #2 provides our students with a high quality online educational opportunity to work with certified teachers in all six regions to recover previously lost high school credits, enroll in enrichment courses for "get ahead" credit, and develop literacy and numeracy skills. Students will have access to online core content area classes and electives, test preparation, and trade preparation courses. The Virtual Academy (VA) also offers a variety of non-credit classes for middle school students.

Students are accepted on a part-time basis. An assigned VA teacher will work directly with the enrolled school to facilitate an educational plan to meet the academic needs of our future high school graduates. If you have a youth who could benefit from this important opportunity for academic advancement, please reach out to the assigned Virtual Academy instructor in your region to receive an application for enrollment. Enrollment is all year long, including summer, so get started today!

Region 1 - Michael MacDonald (
Region 2 - Lisa Adams (
Region 3 - Lisa Adams (
Region 4 - Gregory Corbett (
Region 5 - Michael Angelone (
Region 6 - Gregory Corbett (

Below please find a brochure for families which explains more about the opportunities we offer to students in addition to a link to our application for consideration of enrollment. Thank you for helping to ensure that our youth have every opportunity to succeed.

Virtual Academy (VA) Information:




Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About the Virtual Academy Program:

I have a student who is not currently enrolled in school, can I just enroll them in the Virtual Academy instead?

Unfortunately, no.  All students who are accepted into the Virtual Academy program must be registered with an LEA (Local Education Agency) and enrolled in a full- time school program. The Virtual Academy staff will work closely with that district to design and implement a plan of study for the student and be in communication with the district directly. We are unable to accept students who are not enrolled in a full-time school program.

Do all students receive a computer and the internet?

Unfortunately no, but the online education platform can be accessed from any computer or device with an internet connection (Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone or Gaming System).  Students are encouraged to utilize the program at home, the public library, school, or other community setting if a technology need arises.

Can my student just do the Virtual Academy and not go to school?

No. Students are expected to continue to attend their full-time school program and use the Virtual Academy as a tool to recover credit or enhance their ability to be provided with the best education possible.  All students are expected to have good attendance and not put themselves at risk for disciplinary action through their full-time school program. In addition, Virtual Academy instructors typically check in with their students by visiting them at these school programs. It is our best opportunity to have face-to-face interaction and offer them assistance should the need arise.

I have a student who may be a good fit, but their case is about to close! Would they still be eligible?

Yes! As long as the youth has a history of DCF services they are eligible to take part in the Virtual Academy program. Once the case closes we will continue to work with the student and communicate directly with the school district they are enrolled in to help them continue to take advantage of this educational opportunity.  If there is a question of whether or not a student had past involvement with DCF, please contact any of the Virtual Academy staff.

How quickly can I earn credits?

The Virtual Academy is a self-paced program and the speed at which credits are earned is entirely dependent on how much time and effort the student puts into their courses.  The courses are rigorous and demanding.  A one credit course is expected to be the equivalent of spending 45 minutes a day for an entire school year in a traditional classroom.