A Message from Commissioner Dorantes...
May is National Foster Care Month
May is busy! Thanks to all staff who participated in our Town Hall to discuss the post Juan F. Consent Decree vision! Internal quality assurance and improvement, along with thoughtful decision making and transparency in our work, will allow us to sustain the tremendous achievements we have made!
May brings National Foster Care Month and the tireless efforts of our foster and adoptive parents. They have continued to say "yes" when receiving the call to open their homes to a child - most likely one they have never met.
Thank you to our partners at the Connecticut Alliance of Foster and Adoptive Parents (CAFAF) for their 27th annual conference with this year's theme, "Supporting the Supporter." How nice it was to celebrate our foster parent in person!
Connecticut is fortunate to have approximately 93% of children in our care and custody placed with families, with over 44% of children placed with kin.
This month we highlight Willie Robinson and his strength as a kinship provider, overcoming his own personal challenges, to provide a home for a young boy.
The effects of the right family at the right time can be seen in the story of Vincent Espino. Read about his life's journey and the kinship family who supported him - from homelessness to the White House to becoming a DCF employee.

Thank you, nurses! You continue to serve our children and families in Facilities and Regional Offices through the most of trying times.
Have you thanked a teacher lately? May is also Teacher Appreciation Month. We celebrate you!
Congratulations to Gabrielle Mitchell, MSW, who provided the 2022 commencement address at the University of Connecticut! See it here: UCONN

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The term, "Asian Pacific Islander" evolved in the 1980's and 1990's, and the White House Office of Management and Budget finally broke the terms "Asian" and "Pacific Islander" into two separate racial categories in 1997.
May in Mental Health Awareness Month. This past legislative session brought us significant legislation supports for children's mental health. Look for further updates soon on what is coming our way!
Stay safe and strong everyone!