A Message from Commissioner Dorantes

Spring photo of Commissioner Vannessa DorantesPRIDE month is also national REUNIFICATION month - both so relevant to the work we do here at the Department of Children and Families.


During a pandemic?

Since March of 2020, together we have reunified over 700 children with their parents! I have such gratitude to our employees, foster parents and community partners who worked so diligently to provide families the support so children can once again reside safely at home. The pandemic has been a scary, uncertain time. Adults, working in concert with each other, offer the stability children need in these uncertain times. This month's "Spotlight" puts focus on one father and his story to be reunified with his teen daughter. With a collaborative approach between DCF and the Village for Families and Children, he celebrated Father's Day - waking up for breakfast with his daughter, in his own house, for the first time in years.

White text on blue background that reads "June is National Reunification Month."

Inside and outside of the Department, we all have roles to play in achieving the goal of timely reunification. This month we are acknowledging the role our Teachers and Nurses play in the reunification process.

Our newsletter puts focus on a special teacher, Anna Gawel, who inspires the youth she serves at the Albert J. Solnit Center North using art. Read her words closely.  You will experience her passion and energy to assist each young man in front of her, the ability to reach their potential prior to returning home.

What can I say about our Nurses!!!  They strive to ensure children in our care and custody have their comprehensive needs met. We recognize the importance of caring for the whole child.  All of the healthcare professionals, across the Department, are owed a debt of gratitude for their unwavering commitment during one of the most challenging times in our history.   Read as we "Spotlight" Kimberly Kanaitis, MSN RN and Melody Davis, BSN RN for their work and outstanding service during the pandemic to support our youth!

Wood with cut-outs of people shapes.  Each person is a different color of the rainbow.Lastly, we must strive to affirm the gender identity and sexual orientation of each and every one of our youth and adults in our communities. Please read the powerfully inspiring story of our own DCF employee Dr. Aissa Williams, and her story of courage and resilience - making the world a better and more accepting place. She is truly more than any label!

"Partnering with communities and empowering families to raise resilient children who thrive." - This is our mission and it has been so embodied throughout this month!