A Message from Commissioner Dorantes
One thing I know for sure about our work is that we never do anything alone. This team approach is highlighted in this month's "Spotlight on What's Right" newsletter. When we partner with families, children can thrive. When we partner with providers, legislators, sister state agencies and other stakeholders, the system becomes stronger to respond to the needs of Connecticut's children and families.
In two "Spotlight" articles, we bring into focus a little boy named Jayden. Jayden's mom Destiny benefitted from the care he was provided in the foster home of Becca and Bill Allen - leading to reunification. Children are less anxious when the adults around them work together, keeping the child's wellbeing in the center of this effort.
Read as Destiny refers to the Allens as her "family" and expresses the gratitude she has for the way she was embraced during one of the most difficult time periods in her life. Destiny's words speak volumes…."Becca and Bill fostered my little guy and they fostered me."
Read further about the foster family's perspective from the moment they accepted the awesome responsibility to care for someone else's child. The profound impact our foster parents make when they connect with the child's birth family cannot be overstated.

Thank you to our partners from the CT Association of Foster and Adoptive Families (CAFAF) for their unwavering support and commitment to joining DCF in championing the values of the Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI). Our collaboration with members of the Connecticut General Assembly is valued and paramount to the success of public policy that benefit CT's kids!
July ushers in the effective date of many new legislation. Read what our Legislative Liaison Vinny Russo has to say about the significant work accomplished this past legislative session. Vinny highlights key legislation impacting the Department and the constituents we serve. Click here to read the full 2021 DCF Legislative Summary. Reflecting the teamwork theme, we would be remiss if we didn’t give a special shout out to Assistant Legal Manager Attorney Katherine Dwyer and Executive Secretary Johanna Schmidt, who we were so fortunate to have assigned to us through the Govern for America (GFA) Fellowship. Many, many thanks to the team of Vin, Kate and Johanna who all worked tirelessly through this unique session on behalf of DCF.
One of the new CT laws that became effective July 1st was the adult use of Cannabis. The decriminalization of this substance in Connecticut came with much preparation and solid planning. Here is the link to the Governor's website for more information: Adult Use Cannabis in CT
We partnered with five different state agencies, including the Office of the Child Advocate, to message the importance of safely storing adult substances - legal or illegal. I recently appeared in this newly released public service announcement to reinforce this message.
And finally, we appreciate our partners at OPM and DAS along with our Human Resource Business Partners & Labor Team as we supported staff upon their return to our office spaces. This past week, we published Re-Entry Frequently Asked Questions to assist in clarify any outstanding issues.
Once again, Welcome Back Team!
We hope you are taking some well-deserved vacation time this Summer!!!!
We are getting through this TOGETHER.
Commissioner Dorantes