Child Abuse Prevention Month

A Message from Commissioner Vannessa Dorantes………….

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. As we continue to experience limited social contact and daily telework, why are we putting out another "Spotlight on What's Right newsletter? 

The reason is quite simple. This month, your efforts to prevent child abuse and neglect have been extraordinary and the stories need to be told.

We are faced with uncertainly in our state, country and world as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect millions. Yet, we will be defined by our accomplishments, strengths, the resources that we do have and how we are coming together as an agency and system to support one another and the children and families we serve.

Families are being empowered, they are receiving services and children are being protected. The way we conduct our work has changed, but not our overall mission.

My message to you and others around the state has been consistent - remain focused on what we know, what we are doing and what we plan to do. Be confident in our collaborative efforts and open to changes as new information evolves.

We are all working hard. A pace not seen before in our work or maybe even in our lifetime. Over the past number of weeks, your commitment and dedication to push through obstacles and do what is right has not gone unnoticed.

Times like these confirm that working for DCF is not a job. It is a calling.

We have joined together by unit, workgroup, office and facility to lift each other. We are thankful for the collaboration across the agency, with legislators, state agencies, union leadership, foster parents and community partners which have been strong and consistent. Because of those relationships, the entire child protective services system is strengthened.

We all have a part in the prevention of child abuse and neglect.

As your leader, please know I am concerned about you and your families. Your ability to take care of yourselves while caring for others cannot be sacrificed. This is a delicate balance. Resources are available for you and are provided in this newsletter.

During our long days and nights, periods of concern and moments of greatest accomplishments. I stand right next to you.

I remain proud to say I am a Social Worker and I am your Commissioner.

Thank you!

-        Commissioner Vannessa Dorantes