We All Need Support - And Thank you For YOURS!!!
by Anthony Gay, Anthony.Gay@ct.gov
Deputy Commissioner Fernando Muñiz        
The Region 5 (Waterbury, Danbury and Torrington) Fatherhood Engagement Leadership Team (F.E.L.T) would like to thank statewide F.E.L.T. team members and staff who dedicated their time to make this event a success.  We also extended our appreciation to all of the volunteers from; Post University, Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), Department of Social Services (DSS), CCSD and other local and state community partners.
It was truly a wonderful day to see fathers, father figures as well as children and families from across the state interact and engage with each other.  Some memorable moments of the event was the 5K Dad's Dash, the "Kids Run" and the reading of the Proclamation from Honorable Governor, Dannel P. Malloy, which stated September 22nd, 2013 would be recognized as Fatherhood Awareness Day in the state of CT. The true highlight of the day was the " 1 mile Dads Walk".
The Region 5 F.E.L.T would like to acknowledge all of the providers from across the state who attended and provided resources for families; Casey Family Programs, Department of Social Services, The City of Waterbury and the Police Athletic League; all of our other sponsors; Doug Howard - Social Work Supervisor for his support,  Ken Mysogland OFAS Director for presenting the outstanding fathers and foster fathers of CT with certificates from Senator Blumenthal; Dave Czaja and Aaron Wiebe from the Wilderness School for providing adult/child interactive activities; Region 5 Program Managers for supporting this initiative; Region 5 Senior Leadership Team- Patricia Zuccarelli, Vannessa Dorantes and Kelly McVey for their guidance; & Regional Administrator - Kenneth Cabral, as well the Commissioners office for supporting and believing in our vision.
The Dads Matter Too! event was the first of its kind and we look forward to making it bigger and better next year.  
For pictures of the event, click on the link below.  

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