ISSUANCE NO. 2005-06

Subject and
Court Services, Chapter 46 (Revised)
 Please refer to the Appendix of Court Related Forms (46-3-33), for a comprehensive list of forms.  See Policy Manual for copies of forms.

This bulletin transmits policies, attachments, and forms that have been substantially revised to comply with best-case practices and current legal standards. 

New sections to the Court Services chapter include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Mediation and Family Case Conferencing Military Affidavit
  • Case Management Conference – OTC /Order to Appear Termination of Parental Rights – Reasonable Efforts to Reunify. 

Revisions to the Court Services chapter include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • updating staff with current Juvenile Court procedures and practices
  • providing staff with expanded sample formats of key documents such as studies and other documents to be filed with the Court
  • including relevant clarifications to the Motion for Review of Permanency Plan section.
Effective Date November 1,  2005