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0-3 Fatality Study (1/05 - 4/14)
15 Year Look Back (3/9/15)
15 Year Trend
2016 Annual US DHHS Progress and Services Report


Abuse and Neglect Report and Allegations Datasets
Abuse and Neglect Data 2016
Abuse and Neglect Reports CY 2014
Access to Preschool Programs for Children in the Care and Custody of DCF – Special Act 14-22
     Access to Preschool Programs for Children in the Care and Custody of DCF   
Analysis of the Cost of Extending Foster Care, Guardianship Assistance and Adoption Assistance in Connecticut
     Analysis of the Cost of Extending Foster Care, Guardianship Assistance and Adoption Assistance
Annie E. Casey Foundation Report:  The Connecticut Turnaround
 At-Risk Children and Youth - § 17a-62
     2010 At-Risk Kids Report


Behavioral Health Presentation (6-29-16)


CFSP:  2015 - 2019
Connecticut General Assembly
     2016 Legislature Program Review and Investigations Committee (PRI) 
     Substance Use Services: Staff Findings and Recommendations
      2016 Legislature Program Review and Investigations Committee (PRI) Substance Use Services Final Report
     Chapin Hall Reports

Children’s Behavioral Health Plan - § 17a-22bb
     2019 Children's Behavioral Health Plan Annual Report
          2019 Plan Implementation Update
          2019 screening and Identification
     2018 Children's Behavioral Health Plan Progress Report
     2017 Children's Behavioral Health Plan
     2016 Children's Behavioral Health Plan
     2016 Children's Behavioral Health Plan - Implementation Overview
     2015 Children’s Behavioral Health Plan
     2014 Children’s Behavioral Health Plan
     2014 Children’s Behavioral Health Plan Executive Summary
Children in Placement (CIP) Monthly
     April 2021
     July 2020
     December 2019
     October 2018
     January 2017
     August 2016
     May 2016
     April 2016
     March 2016
     February 2016
     Children in Placement (CIP) Since 2011
January 2019
     July 2016
Children in Placement (CIP) Trend
     December 2018
     November 2018
     October 2018
     August 2018
     August 2016
     June 2016
     May 2016
     April 2016
     March 2016
     January 2016
CIP Projections
     January 2021 Projections
     August 2020 projections
     October 2018 Projections
     January 2016 Projections
     October 2015 Projections
CJTS + JJ Reports and Data- § 17a-6b 
     2018 CJTS Annual
     2017 CJTS Annual
     2016 CJTS Annual
     2015 CJTS Annual
     2015 CJTS Appendix
     2014 CJTS Annual
          2014 Appendix 1
          2014 Appendix 2
          2014 Appendix 3
     2010 CJTS Annual
     2009 CJTS Annual
Connecticut Behavioral Health Plan for Children
CT Kids Report Card
CT Open Data Portal
Congregate Care (January 28, 2014)
Congregate Care Exits Data (1/1/09 - 12/31/14)
Congregate Care OOS v In State Comparison  (J1/1/11 - 12/31/14)
Court Monitor Juan F. Reports



Data Assessment of Behavioral Health Services to Insured Children and Youth – Special Act 14-7, § 2
      Data Assessment of Behavioral Health Services to Insured Children and Youth
DCF Advisory Bodies
DCF Performance Expectations Report Card  (2015)
DCF Performance Expectations
DCF Screening for Development Delays - § 17a-106e 
     2016 Report Concerning DCF Screening for Development Delays
     2015 Report Concerning DCF Screening for Development Delays
     2014 Report Concerning DCF Screening for Development Delays
DCF Town Pages
Digest of Administrative Reports
     Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) Initiatives  (12/15)
Disproportionality Pathways - Statewide
DMC Initiatives
Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking / HART


Early Childhood
     2015 Report Concerning DCF Screening for Development Delays
     2014 Report Concerning DCF Screening for Development Delays
     Education - Data Raise the Grade Pilot Program Final Report- § 17a-64
Emergency Mobile Psychiatric Services (EMPS) PIC Data Link


Facility Reports - § 17a-32a
     2010 Riverview Annual Report
     2010 Wilderness School Annual Report
Family Assessment Response (FAR) Program Annual Data Report, § 17a-101g
     FAR Annual Report, July 1, 2017
     FAR Annual Report, July 1, 2016
     FAR Annual Report, October 20, 2015
Family Assessment Response (FAR) Report
Family Assessment Response and Community Support for Families
Fatality Data
Fatality Annual Data
     2018:  Child Fatalities Reported to DCF Risk Management Unit As Critical Incidents
     Child Fatality Review Panel Presentation (5/20/15)
Federal Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP) 2015 - 2019
Federal Reports (Annual Progress and Services Reports)
Foster Care
     Foster Care Satisfaction Study - Preliminary Report (11/15)      


Georgetown University Center for Juvenile Justice Reform (CJJR) Report on DCF Parole Services


In-Home Data-Children Served CY2015


Juan F. Reports
Juvenile Justice Data for JJPOC Work Groups (12/15)


Kids Count (Annie E. Casey Foundation)
     2018 Data Center
     2018 Kids Count Data Book, State Trends in Child Well-Being
     2017 Race for Results:  Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children
Kids Report Card


Legal Division
     Summary of Substantiation Decisions (2000 to December 2019)
Legislative Summaries
     Legislative Summary (2018)
     Legislative Summary (2017)
     Children's Committee Presentation (2017)
     Legislative Summary (2016)
     Legislative Summary (2015)
     Legislative Summary (2014)


Measurable Outcomes for Contract DCF Services
     2012 Measures Outcomes Report
     2011 Measures Outcomes Report
Mental Health Block Grant


Office of The DCF Ombudsman
     NEW! 2017
     2015 CJTS & Pueblo
     2014 CJTS and Pueblo
     October 2018
     September 2018
     August 2016
     June 2016
     May 2016
     March 2016
     February 2016
     January 2016
Outcome Measures
Out-of-State Placements
     2016 Out-of-State Placement Report
     2015 Out-of-State Placement Report
     2009 Out-of-State Placement Report


Performance Expectations
     Performance Expectations Report Card
     Performance Expectations 2017
Pew Charitable Trusts:  Juvenile Justice Commitment Rates Drop 53%
Program Improvement Plan


Raise the Grade Pilot Program - § 17a-64
     Raise the Grade Pilot Program Report
Re-Entry Comparison (2/26/15)
Report Concerning Actual or Suspected Animal Abuse - § 17a-100c
     2017 Report Concerning Actual or Suspected Animal Abuse
     2016 Report Concerning Actual or Suspected Animal Abuse
     2015 Report Concerning Actual or Suspected Animal Abuse
Response to Office of the Child Advocate Report - § 46a-13(f)  
     Response to OCA Report, “The Critical Injuries of Baby Dylan from Abuse and Neglect While in State Custody,” 10/4/16


Select Recurrent and Developing Qualitative Activities
Sibling Visitation Report - § 17a-10a
     2015 Sibling Visitation Report
Special Act 19-16
     Licensure of the Alfred J. Solnit Children's Center (February 25, 2020)
Substance Abuse Recovery Support Plan to Provide Services to Adolescents and Youth Adults – Special Act 14-7, § 3
     Substance Abuse Recovery Support Plan to Provide Services to Adolescents and Youth Adults
Suicide Prevention Plan
Summary of Substantiation Decisions (2000 to December 2019)



Town Pages


Urgent Care Center for Individuals with Behavioral Health Concerns – Special Act 14-7, § 1
     Urgent Care Center for Individuals with Behavioral Health Concerns