CT Suicide Advisory Board

Suicide Prevention LogoSince January 2012, the CT Suicide Advisory Board (CTSAB) has functioned as the single state-level suicide advisory board in CT that addresses suicide prevention and response across the lifespan. (This includes the responsibilities of the former Youth Suicide Advisory Board.) It is cooperatively co-chaired by the CT Departments of Mental Health and Addiction Services and Children and Families (DCF), and is legislatively mandated under DCF.

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Connecticut Suicide Prevention Plan 2020-2025
CT Public Health Alert and Call to Action for Youth Suicide
CTSAB Sub-Committees


Mission: The CTSAB is a network of diverse advocates, educators and leaders concerned with addressing the problem of suicide with a focus on prevention, intervention, and health and wellness promotion.


Vision: The CTSAB seeks to eliminate suicide by instilling hope across the lifespan.  The CTSAB developed and is responsible for activating the state plan, leads the state campaign that promotes the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the CT Zero Suicide Initiative, and advises state agencies on the use of their suicide-related state and federal dollars from the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Health Resources & Services Administration.


There are multiple CTSAB sub-committees :

  • Armed Forces/Community Health Promotion Council, point of contact is CTNG Behavioral Health Team
  • Zero Suicide Learning Community for Health and Behavioral Health Care Systems, points of contact are DMHAS and Hartford Hospital/Institute of Living staff
  • Intervention-Postvention Response, points of contact are Child Advocate and AFSP Chapter staff
  • School Wellness, points of contact are State Education Resource Center and DPH CT School Health Survey staff
  • Data and Surveillance, points of contact are DPH Violent Death Reporting System and Garrett Lee Smith Grant staff
  • Lethal Means, points of contact are United Way of Connecticut staff and CTSAB Chairs


Membership includes:  The CTSAB functions more like a statewide coalition than a board. As of summer 2018, there are over 500 members and over 150 agencies representing multiple sectors on the CTSAB and statewide Network of Care. The CT Army National Guard (CTARNG) Behavioral Health Team hosts the CTSAB meetings monthly at the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Middletown, CT.  Average meeting attendance is 45. It’s a very diverse coalition of state and community agencies (profit and non-profit), faith-based organizations, hospitals, military, schools, higher education, towns, private citizens, professional associations, health and behavioral health professionals, law enforcement, professional associations, insurance providers, legislators, students, survivors of loss and their foundations, individuals with lived experience, and advocates.


Contact Us

Stephanie Bozak, Psy.D.
Behavioral Health Clinical Manager of Children's Mental Health
Department of Children and Families
505 Hudson Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06106
Phone: 860 550 6428
E-mail: STEPHANIE.BOZAK@ct.gov


Andrea Iger Duarte, MSW, MPH, LCSW
Behavioral Health Program Manager
CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Prevention & Health Promotion Unit
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #14, PHP
Hartford, CT 06134
Phone: (860) 418-6801
Fax: (860) 418-6792
E-mail: Andrea.Duarte@ct.gov