Family First Planning Process

Connecticut began its Family First planning process on November 18, 2019.  Over the next year and a half, the Department of Children and Families convened eight workgroups made up of providers, families, former foster youth, DCF staff, and sister state agencies.  The process was led by Ken Mysogland, Bureau Chief of External Affairs, and JoShonda Guerrier, Administrator for Clinical and Community Consultation and Support; DCF also benefitted from technical assistance from Chapin Hall.  Workgroups met in-person and virtually to create a plan that is innovative, community-serving, and preventative.  The plan was ultimately submitted in July 2021 and approved by the federal government in March 2022.  The work is now under Sharon Davis, Director of Family and Community Services, and implementation is underway.

For minutes, presentations, videos, and documents from the planning process, please see below:


Candidacy Community Partnership
Fiscal And Revenue Enhancement Infrastructure Practice and Policy
Governance Kinship and Foster Care
Program and Service Array Intensive Treatment 24/7 (QRTP)



Family First Re-Launch (September 29, 2020), Watch the Full Event


Family First Summit (January 8, 2020), Watch the Afternoon Session


Jerry Milner

Jerry Milner:  Transforming the Child Welfare System: A Message from Jerry Milner, Associate Commissioner at the Children’s Bureau


Family First Video

Family First Kick-Off (November 18, 2019)



Family First Homepage