The Transitional Age Youth Consolidated Approach

vitalV.I.T.A.L.:  Activating Potential in Young Adults to Build Success, Justice, and Lead Change
Connecticut Department of Children and Families
Table of Contents:
Section 1 / Section 2 / Section 3 / Section 4 / Section 5


Section 1.  The V.I.T.A.L. Overview

 Introduction Values, Essential Practice Principles, and Core Practices

Section 2.   V.I.T.A.L. Practice Guide

Practice Stage:  Engagement and Assessment
2.1 Youth Engagement and Assessment
2.2 Family Engagement and Transitional Age Youth


Practice Stage:  Youth Driven Transition Preparation
2.3 Educational Planning for Transitional Age Youth
2.4 Financial Capability in Transitional Age Youth
2.5 Employment/Career Development
2.6 Health and Wellness Guide for Transitional Age Youth
2.7 Establishing Lifelong Relationships with Supportive Adults and Peers
2.8 Skill Building in Transitional Age Youth
2.9 Planning for New Living Arrangements 
2.10 Accessing Supports for Substance Misuse and Behavioral Health Needs
2.11 Supporting Specialized Cohorts

2.11a Engaging, Empowering, and Supporting Young Fathers
2.11b Diverting Young Adults from the Criminal Justice System
2.11c Supporting Young Adults in Correctional Settings
2.11d Serving Young Adults Involved with Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking/Commercial Sex Exploitation of Children
2.11e Supporting Youth Identifying as LGBTQI+  
2.11f Assisting Young Persons Missing from Care-Supplemental Materials
2.11g Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Transitional Age Youth
2.11h Planning with Young Persons Referred to Adult State Agencies
2.11i Supporting Undocumented Young Persons

Practice Stage:  Launch
2.12 Transition Planning and Declining Services
2.13 Securing Safe and Stable Housing

Practice Stage:  Re-Entry
2.14 Re-Entry


Section 3.  Additional V.I.T.A.L. Tools and Resources

 3.1 Supplemental Tip Sheets and Resource Documents

3.1a Positive Youth Development
3.1b Establishing Youth-Adult Partnerships
3.1c Building Resiliency and Grit in Young Adults
3.1d Supporting Healthy Relationships
3.1e Building Self-Confidence in Young Adults
3.1f Self-Advocacy:  Access to Youth Ambassadors and Youth Advisory Boards
3.1g Supporting Authentic Youth Engagement
3.1h Omega Assessment Instrument
3.1i Abbreviated Learning Inventory Skills Training- A Suggested Housing Screener
3.1j Youth Launch Inventory
3.1k Community Housing Employment Enrichment Resources (CHEER) Definition
3.1l Community Housing Assistance (CHAP) Program Definition
3.1m Learning Inventory Skills Training (LIST) Program Definition
3.1n Services Post Majority (SPM) Administrative Requirements
3.1o Credit Reports
3.1p Adolescent Parent Program
3.1q Appointment of Health Care Representative for Youth
3.1r Restorative Justice and Young Adults

 3.2 V.I.T.A.L. Coaching Opportunities
 3.3 V.I.T.A.L. Resources for Youth and their Caregivers
 3.4 V.I.T.A.L. F.A.Q.s
 3.5 V.I.T.A.L. Logic Model
 3.6 Data Snapshot-Transitional Age Youth 2021
 3.7 Goals and Objectives
 3.8 Table of Anticipated Outcomes
 3.9 V.I.T.A.L. Development Timeline
 3.10 V.I.T.A.L. Practice Model Strategy Table
 3.11 V.I.T.A.L. Proposed Implementation Timeline


Section 4. V.I.T.A.L. Policy

4.1 DCF Policy 28-1 Adolescent and Transitional Age Supports


Section 5. V.I.T.A.L. Foundational Briefs

 5.1 Development Within the Context of Racism
 5.2 Adolescent Parents
 5.3 Brain Development and Adolescence
 5.4 Transitional Age Youth and LGBTQI+ Identity


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