About Us
The Connecticut Training & Development Network is dedicated to being a resource for government professionals who work in and manage the staff and organizational development for Connecticut state agencies.
The Connecticut Training & Development Network is dedicated to being a resource for government professionals who work in and manage the staff and organizational development for Connecticut state agencies.
Tell others of new Ideas. Ask questions to solve your problems. Learn about new materials, methods and practices.
CTDN has a listserv to help members stay connected and share information. This Listserv will enable participants to provide information and ask questions via email. The user sends a message to one address that is automatically forwarded to everyone on the list. Replies can be sent to an individual or to everyone. All CTDN members have been subscribed automatically.
Benefits of belonging to the CTDN-L include:
For questions and more information or if you do not wish to be on the listserv contact Mary McCarthy at mary.c.mccarthy@uconn.edu
CTDN's is proud to offer a couple of signature professional development programs to State of Connecticut employees: Train the Trainer, and the newest addition, the State Supervisory Training Program.