Create my content

CT audience using websites for different purposes on mobile devices.

Find your voice, tone, and audience

If you're interested in creating website content and want to make sure you're following the state's best practices, this is a great place to start. Learn how to optimize your content for search engines and users.

Understanding the needs and intent of your audience is crucial to serving up the most helpful content on your website. Make sure your writing addresses users’ common concerns, and your content will be on the fast track to success.

Plain language

Serious young man writing an article on his laptop computer.

Your content should read at a 6th grade reading level

Clarity is an ethical imperative, and people deserve to understand what their government is telling them.

  • What is plain language 
    Learn best practices for creating content that is appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience.
  • Go to active voice 
    We should use the active voice in most of our content writing to communicate our message most effectively.
  • Content evaluation 
    If your content meets these three objectives, you have likely written in plain language.

Images best practices

  • Image accessibility 
    Accurate alt text is essential for accessibility and user experience. It is important to make every piece of your content accessible.
  • On-page content 
    Learn how to use images, colors, and graphics to reinforce key messages quickly and attract an audience.
  • Types of images to use 
    Discover what kind of imagery and graphics you should be using that are relevant to the human experience for your content.

Featured pages

On-page content structure

Use best practices that make your web pages more accessible to search engines and searchers alike. This increases both the value and visibility of your content.

Using files

How to make PDFs look great while being user-friendly for effective, clear communication that is crisp in concise documents.

Grammar and punctuation

Both impact the quality, readability, and comprehension of a piece of content. As a content writer, it’s important for you to know these rules.

Accessibility best practices

Create content so that differently-abled people can access it without the barriers and frustrations that might otherwise occur.