Logos of CoP members


The Connecticut Community of Practice (CoP) for Bridging Disability and Aging Networks

The CoP for Bridging Disability and Aging Networks meets biweekly to strengthen the collaboration between aging and disability networks to better support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families as they plan for their future across the lifespan. For more information please contact the Executive Director of the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities walter.glomb@ct.gov.
September 28, Joe Caldwell, Walter Glomb, and Commissioners for DDS and Unit on Aging
November 1, Molly Cole, State Independent Living Council
November 15, Jenn Switalski, State Unit on Aging
November 29, Dory Michael-Martusis, Department of Developmental Services 
December 13, Anna Doroghazi, AARP Connecticut

January 10, Jennifer Switalski, Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA)
January 24, Carol Scully, The Arc Connecticut
February 7, Report of activities at the other four states in the national CoP
February 21, Bills in the Connecticut General Assembly about AGING AND DISABILITY
March 7, Chuck Bergamo and Atty Colleen Masse, Futures Planning
March 21, Alyssa Norwood, Connecticut Age Well Collaborative
April 4, Karen Siegel and Rev. Robyn Anderson, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access
April 18, Molly Cole and Gretchen Knauff, Supported Decision Making
May 2, Maureen McIntyre, AgingCT – Connecticut’s five Area Agencies on Aging
May 16, Discussion of future objectives: Future Planning with SDM, Livable Communities, DEIA
May 30, Discussion of future objectives: Future Planning with SDM, Livable Communities, DEIA
June 13, Department of Developmental Services (DDS) annual Aging Matters Conferences
June 27, Discussion of future objectives: Future Planning with SDM, Livable Communities, DEIA
July 11, Discussion of future objectives: Future Planning with SDM, Livable Communities, DEIA
September 5, Report on the national CoP and workplan for FY 2024

The COP Core Team:
Council on Developmental Disabilities
State Unit on Aging
State Department of Developmental Services
Arc Connecticut
AARP Connecticut
State Independent Living Council
Health Equity Solutions
Governor's Office of Policy and Management
State Department of Social Services
Connecticut Tech Act Project
Long Term Care Ombudsperson
Developmental Services Ombudsperson
Disability Rights Connecticut (P&A)
Area Agencies on Aging
Connecticut Age Well Collaborative
Ministerial Health Fellowship
United Cerebral Palsy
Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut
Keep the Promise Coalition
People First
For more information please contact the Executive Director of the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities walter.glomb@ct.gov.