The Connecticut Siting Council (Council) Office will be closed Friday, July 5, 2024 for a network upgrade. Council staff will be working remotely. Please plan accordingly.

DOCKET NO. 516 – The United Illuminating Company (UI) application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the Fairfield to Congress Railroad Transmission Line 115-kV Rebuild Project that consists of the relocation and rebuild of its existing 115- kilovolt (kV) electric transmission lines from the railroad catenary structures to new steel monopole structures and related modifications along approximately 7.3 miles of the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Metro-North Railroad corridor between Structure B648S located east of Sasco Creek in Fairfield and UI’s Congress Street Substation in Bridgeport, and the rebuild of two existing 115-kV transmission lines along 0.23 mile of existing UI right-of-way to facilitate interconnection of the rebuilt 115-kV electric transmission lines at UI’s existing Ash Creek, Resco, Pequonnock and Congress Street Substations traversing the municipalities of Bridgeport and Fairfield, Connecticut.

The deadline for public comments in this matter is on or before Thursday, January 11, 2024. Please be advised that public comments are not posted to the webpages for matters as they contain personally identifying information that the authors may not want to be published. A physical public comment file containing all of the comments received for this matter is available for inspection at the Siting Council office during regular business hours.

APPLICATION (recd. 03/17/23)
Cover Letter
Volume 1 - Description of Proposed Project
Volume 1A - Appendix A  - Agency Correspondence
Volume 1A - Appendix B -  Ecological Assessment Report
Volume 1A - Appendix C -  Visual Assessment and Photo-Simulations
Volume 1A - Appendix D -  Cultural Resources Report
Volume 1A - Appendix E -  EMF Report
Volume 1A - Appendix F -  Formal Requests and CSC Application Guide
Volume 2   - Project Mapping and Drawings
Bulk-Filed Exhibits:
City of Bridgeport Zoning Code
City of Bridgeport Zoning Map
City of Bridgeport Plan of Conservation and Development
City of Bridgeport Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Regulations
City of Bridgeport Inland Wetlands Soil Map
Town of Fairfield Zoning Regulations
Town of Fairfield Zoning Map
Town of Fairfield Plan of Conservation and Development
Town of Fairfield Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations
Town of Fairfield Inland Wetland Soil Map

Municipal Consultation Filing
Cover Letter, 03/31/23
Volume 1 - Description of Proposed Project
Volume 1A - Appendix A - Agency Correspondence
Volume 1A - Appendix B - Ecological Assessment Report
Volume 1A - Appendix C - Visual Assessment and Photo-Simulations
Volume 1A - Appendix D - Cultural Resources Report
Volume 2 - Project Mapping and Drawings
Outreach Log
Frequently Asked Questions
Railroad Power Line Upgrades
Presentation to Bridgeport
Presentation to Westport
Fairfield Public Information Meeting Presentation
Bridgeport Public Information Meeting Presentation
Virtual Open House Postcard
UI's Project Page



Council Municipal Participation Fund Letter to the State Treasurer, 03/20/23
Council Completeness Review, 04/13/23
Council Interrogatories to Applicant, Set One, 05/10/23
Council Acknowledgement of BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. Request for Party and/or Intervenor Status, 06/28/23
Council Interrogatories to Applicant, Set Two, 07/11/23
Council Decision on BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. Request for Party and/or Intervenor Status, 07/20/23
Council Interrogatories to Applicant, Set Three, 08/01/23
Council Acknowledgment of Sasco Creek Neighborhood Environmental Trust Incorporated, Stephen Oyzck, Andrea Ozyck, Karin Mahfouz, William Danylko, and David Parker Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status,08/24/23
Council Acknowledgement of 2190 Post Road, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing,08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of Invest II Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of International Investors Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of Pequot Realty, LLC Request for Intevenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of 1916 Post Road Associates, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of SF Station Street, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of Maura J. Garych Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of Metro Holding Company LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of SG Pequot 200, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of 516 Paci Restaurant Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgment of 461 Broad Street, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing,08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of Bridgeport 11823 LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of Fairfield Station Lofts, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/28/23
Council Acknowledgement of Town of Fairfield's Request for Party Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/29/23
Council Decision on Sasco Creek Neighborhood Environmental Trust Incorporated, Stephen Oyzck, Andrea Ozyck, Karin Mahfouz, William Danylko, and David Parker Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 08/30/23
Council Decision on Grouped LLCs Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Requests for an Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/30/23
Council Decision on Fairfield Station Lofts, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for an Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/30/23
Council Decision on Town of Fairfield Request for Party Status and an Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/30/23
Council Procedural Correspondence with the Town of Fairfield, 09/14/23
Council Request for Comments on Town of Fairfield's Motion for Continuance, 09/15/23
Council Correspondence with the Grouped LLC Intervenors, 09/22/23
Council Procedural Correspondence with SCNET Group  Andrea Ozyck, 09/28/23
Council Decision on Town of Fairfield and Grouped LLC Intervenors Motions for Continuance, 09/29/23
Council Acknowledgement of Southport Congregational Church Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
Council Acknowledgement of Pequot Library Association Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
Council Acknowledgement of Trinity Episcopal Church Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
Council Acknowledgement of Sasquanaug Association for Southport Improvement, Inc. Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
Council Acknowledgement of Superior Plating Company Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
Council Decision on BWC Motion for Protective Order on Late-Filed Exhibit Response, 10/13/23
Council Acknowledgement of Stephen F. Boccarossa Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
Council Acknowledgement of James Sherwood Bok Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
Council Decision on Southport Congregational Church, Pequot Library Association, Trinity Episcopal Church, and Sasquanaug Association for Southport Improvement, Inc. Requests for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/18/23
Council Decision on Stephen F. Boccarossa; and James Sherwood Bok Requests for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/18/23

Council Decision on Superior Plating Company's Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/18/23
Council Decision on SCNET et Al Request for Extension to Submit Pre-Filed Testimony of Harry Orten, 11/02/23
Council Decision on Town of Fairfield Request for Extension to Submit Pre-Filed Testimony of Ray Awad, 11/02/23
Council Decision on the Grouped LLC Intervenors' Request for Extension to Submit Pre-Filed Testimony, 11/02/23
Council Decision on UI's Request for Extension to Submit the Response to Town of Fairfield Interrogatory No. 8, 11/02/23
Council Acknowledgement of  Jacquelyn Thunfors Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/13/23
Council Acknowledgement of Sean Cowan Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/13/23
Council Acknowledgement of National Trust for Historic Preservation Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/13/23
Council Decision on Thunfors and Cowan Requests for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/17/23
Council pro hac vices- Conditional Decision on the National Trust for Historic Preservation Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/17/23
Council Acknowledgement of the City of Bridgeport Request for Party and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/22/23
Council Decision on the City of Bridgeport Request for Party and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/29/23
Council Memorandum on Close of Evidentiary Record, 12/13/23


Connecticut Airport Authority Comments, 04/17/23
Council on Environmental Quality Comments, 05/26/23
Department of Transportation Comments, 08/18/23
Department of Transportation Comments, 09/27/23
State Historic Preservation Office Comments, 11/17/23
State Historic Preservation Office Additional Comments, 11/22/23




State Representative Jennifer Leeper, 08/18/23
State Representative Sarah Keitt, 08/29/23
State Senator Tony Hwang, 09/06/23
U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal and U.S. Representative Jim Himes, 09/26/23
Connecticut General Assembly - Fairfield State Delegation Comments, 10/16/23


July 25, 2023 Hearing Documents, 04/13/23
1.  Instructions for Public Access to Remote Public Hearing
2.  Public Hearing Notice
3.  Hearing Program 
4.  Citizens Guide to Siting Council Procedures; and
5.  Proposed Facility Site Plan 
Hearing Procedures and Pre-Hearing Conference Memorandum, 06/21/23
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 07/25/23 (Passcode:  yYU+0n^I  )
Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on August 29, 2023, 07/27/23
1.  Instructions for Access to the August 29, 2023 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2.  Hearing Program 
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 08/29/23 (Passcode:  d#EWs&91  )
Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on October 17, 2023, 08/30/23
1.  Instructions for Access to the October 17, 2023 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2.  Hearing Program
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 10/17/23  (Passcode:    +CCGbA1.  )
Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on November 16, 2023, 10/19/23
1.  Instructions for Access to the November 16, 2023 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2.  Hearing Program
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 11/16/23 (Passcode:     2f0Hd?@J      )
Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on November 28, 2023, 11/17/23
1.  Instructions for Access to the November 28, 2023 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2.  Hearing Program 
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 11/28/23 (Passcode:    4%sC=%L&    )
Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on December 12, 2023, 11/29/23
1.  Instructions for Access to the December 12, 2023 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2.  Hearing Program 
Council Memorandum Regarding Final Hearing Procedures, 12/08/23
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 12/12/23  (Passcode:  1C1%T$kS   )

Schedule, 03/20/23
Schedule, 04/13/23
Schedule, 05/10/23
Schedule, 07/11/23
Schedule, 07/27/23
Schedule, 08/01/23
Schedule, 08/30/23
Schedule, 09/28/23
Schedule, 11/02/23
Schedule, 11/17/23
Schedule, 11/28/23
Schedule, 12/12/23

Service Lists
Service List, 03/17/23
Service List, 07/20/23
Service List, 08/29/23
Service List, 10/03/23
Service List, 10/17/23
Service List, 10/19/23
Service List, 10/26/23
Service List, 11/16/23
Service List, 11/21/23
Service List, 11/28/23


Hearing Programs
Hearing Program, 07/26/23
Hearing Program, 08/29/23
Hearing Program,10/17/23
Hearing Program, 11/16/23
Hearing Program, 11/28/23
Hearing Program, 12/12/23


Evidentiary Hearing Session Transcript 2 p.m., 07/25/23
Public Comment Session Transcript 6:30 p.m., 07/25/23
Council Transcript Memorandum, 08/10/23
Continued Evidentiary Hearing Session Transcript, 08/29/23
Council Transcript Memorandum, 09/13/23
Continued Evidentiary Hearing Session Transcript, 10/17/23
Council Transcript Memorandum, 10/24/23
Continued Evidentiary Hearing Session Transcript, 11/16/23
Continued Evidentiary Hearing Session Transcript, 11/28/23
Council Transcript Memorandum, 12/05/23
Final Evidentiary Hearing Session Transcript, 12/12/23
Council Transcript Memorandum, 12/20/23



APPLICANT -The United Illuminating Company (UI)
UI's Corrected Public Notice Submission, 03/21/23
UI's Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, 05/31/23
UI's Pre-filed Testimony of Brian Ragozzine,06/29/23
UI's Virtual Tour of Project, received 06/29/23
UI's Letter to SHPO Concerning Supplemental Information to the Phase IA Cultural Resources Assessment Survey, 06/30/23
UI's Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set Two, 07/18/23
UI's Responses to BJ's Wholesale Club, Inc. Interrogatories, 07/18/23
UI's Affidavit of Sign Posting, 07/18/23
UI's Witness Resumes, received 07/18/23
UI's Additional Witness Resume - David Leslie, 08/11/23
UI's Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set Three, 08/22/23
UI's Late Filed Exhibits, 08/22/23
UI's Pre-filed Testimony of Correne Auer, 10/03/23
UI's Pre-filed Testimony of Matthew Parkhurst, 10/03/23
UI's Pre-filed Testimony of MeeNa Sazanowicz, 10/03/23
UI's Responses to Fairfield Station Lofts Interrogatories, 10/03/23
UI's Late Filed Exhibits, 10/03/23
UI's Late Filed Exhibits, 11/02/23
UI's Responses to SCNET Group Interrogatories and Requests for Production, Set One, 11/02/23
UI's Responses to SCNET Group Interrogatories and Requests for Production, Set Two, 11/02/23
UI's Responses to Grouped LLC Intervenors' Interrogatories, Set One, 11/02/23
UI's Responses to Town of Fairfield Interrogatories and Requests for Production, 11/02/23
UI's Response to Town of Fairfield Interrogatory No. 8, 11/09/23

Procedural Correspondence
UI's Pre-Hearing Submission, 07/18/23
UI's Pre-Hearing Submission Regarding Additional Witness, 08/25/23
UI Request for an Extension of Time to Submit the Response to the Town of Fairfield's Interrogatory No. 8, 11/02/23
UI Request for an Additional Witness, 11/20/23
UI Withdrawal of Request for an Additional Witness, 11/27/23

Motions and Objections
UI's Objections to Requests for Intervenor Status, 08/28/23
UI's Objection to Motions for Continuance, 09/21/23

Briefs/Findings of Fact
UI's Post-Hearing Brief, 01/11/24


BWC Request for Party or Intervenor Status, 06/27/23
BWC Pre-Filed Testimony of Patrick Netreba, 08/22/23
BWC Late-Filed Exhibit (Redacted), 10/03/23
BWC Revised Pre-Filed Testimony of Patrick Netreba, 10/03/23
Signed Protective Order on Late-Filed Exhibit Response, 10/12/23
BWC Late-Filed Exhibits (Redacted), 11/02/23
BWC Pre-Filed Testimony of Patrick Netreba, 11/02/23

Procedural Correspondence
BWC Pre-filed Submission - List of Witnesses and Exhibits, 06/27/23
BWC Interrogatories to Applicant, Set One, 07/11/23
BWC Pre-Filed Submission, 08/22/23


Motions and Objections
BWC Motion for Protective Order on Late-Filed Exhibit Response, 10/03/23

Briefs/Findings of Fact
BWC Post-Hearing Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact, 01/11/24

GROUPED INTERVENORS AND CEPA INTERVENORS - Sasco Creek Neighborhood Environmental Trust Incorporated, Stephen Ozyck, Andrea Ozyck, Karim Mahfouz, William Danylko, David Parker, 2190 Post Road, LLC, Invest II, International Investors, Southport Congregational Church, Pequot Library Association, Trinity Episcopal Church, and Sasquanaug Association for Southport Improvement, Inc. (SCNET Group)
Sasco Creek Neighborhood Environmental Trust Incorporated, Stephen Oyzck, Andrea Ozyck, Karin Mahfouz, William Danylko, and David Parker Request to Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor, 08/24/23
SCNET Group Pre-filed Testimony of Karim Mahfouz, 07/23/23
SCNET Group Pre-filed Testimony of Stephen Oyzck, 07/29/23
SCNET Group Pre-filed Testimony of Andrea Oyzck, 08/14/23
SCNET Group Sasquanaug Association for Southport Improvement, Inc, Pre-filed Testimony of Laura Lawlor, 08/24/23
2190 Post Road, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/24/23
Invest II Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing 08/24/23
International Investors Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/24/23
Southport Congregational Church Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/12/23
Pequot Library Association Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/12/23
Trinity Episcopal Church Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/12/23
Sasquanaug Association for Southport Improvement, Inc. Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/12/23
SCNET Group Pre-filed Testimony of Steven D. Trinkaus, 11/02/23
SCNET Group Pre-filed Testimony of Stephen Ozyck, 11/02/23

SCNET Group Pre-filed Testimony of Andrea Ozyck, 11/02/23
SCNET Group Pre-filed Testimony of David Scott Parker, 11/02/23
SCNET Group 2190 Post Road, LLC Pre-filed Testimony of Thomas Schinella, 11/02/23
SCNET Group Invest II, LLC Pre-filed Testimony of Michael Schinella, 11/02/23
SCNET Group International Investors, GP Pre-filed Testimony of Donald Sherman, 11/02/23

SCNET Group Southport Congregational Church Pre-Filed Testimony of Paul Whitmore,11/02/23
SCNET Group Pequot Library Association Pre-filed Testimony of Stephanie J. Coakley, 11/02/23

SCNET Group Trinity Episcopal Church Pre-filed Testimony of Harold V. Schmitz, 11/02/23
SCNET Group Pre-filed Testimony of Harry Orten, 11/09/23
SCNET Group Corrected Pre-filed Testimony of Harry Orten, 12/29/23

Procedural Correspondence

SCNET Group Request for Service List Change - Appearance of Berchem Moses, P.C., 10/03/23
SCNET Group Pre-Hearing Interrogatories and Requests for Production to Applicant, Set One,10/03/23
SCNET Group Pre-Hearing Interrogatories and Requests for Production to Applicant, Set Two, 10/12/23
Notice of Appearance Addition for Southport Congregational Church, 10/20/23
SCNET Group Request for Extension to Submit Pre-Filed Testimony of Harry Orten, 10/31/23


Motions and Objections
SCNET Group Motion to Amend Connecticut Siting Council Schedule, 10/13/23
SCNET Group Motion for Order to Compel Production of Documents, 11/14/23
SCNET Group Motion to Preclude James A. Cole as UI Witness, 11/21/23
SCNET Group Motion for Reconsideration, 11/27/23
SCNET Group, Town of Fairfield, and Grouped LLC Intervenors Joint Motion in Opposition to Siting Council's December 8, 2023 Order, 12/12/23


Briefs/Findings of Fact
SCNET Group Post-Hearing Brief, 01/11/24
SCNET Group Proposed Findings of Fact, 01/11/24
Southport Congregational Church Proposed Findings of Fact, 01/11/24


GROUPED INTERVENORS AND CEPA INTERVENORS - Pequot Realty, LLC; 1916 Post Road Associates, LLC; SF Station Street, LLC; Maura J. Garych; Metro Holding Company, LLC; SG Pequot 200, LLC; 516 Paci Restaurant; 461 Broad Street, LLC; Bridgeport 11823, LLC; Stephen F. Boccarossa; James Sherwood Bok; Jacquelyn Thunfors; Sean Cowan; and The National Trust for Historic Preservation
Exhibits (Grouped LLC Intervenors)
Pequot Realty, LLC Request for Intevenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/24/23
1916 Post Road Associates, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing,08/24/23
SF Station Street, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing,08/24/23
Maura J. Garych Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/24/23
Metro Holding Company LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/24/23
SG Pequot 200, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/24/23
516 Paci Restaurant Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/24/23
461 Broad Street, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing,08/24/23
Bridgeport 11823, LLC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/24/23
Stephen F. Boccarossa Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
James Sherwood Bok Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
Grouped LLC Intervenors' Pre-filed Testimony of Jacquelyn Thunfors, 10/03/23

Grouped LLC Intervenors' Pre-filed Testimony of Jacquelyn Thunfors, 10/14/23
Grouped LLC Intervenors' Pre-filed Testimony of Raymond Rizio, 11/09/23
Jacquelyn Thunfors Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/09/23
Sean Cowan Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/09/23
National Trust for Historic Preservation Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status,11/09/23

Procedural Correspondence
Grouped LLC Intervenors'quest for Service List Change - Appearance of Berchem Moses, P.C., 10/03/23
Grouped LLC Intervenors' Pre-Hearing Interrogatories, 10/12/23
Grouped LLC Intervenors' Request for Extension to Submit Pre-Filed Testimony, 11/02/23|
Grouped LLC Intervenors' Pre-Hearing Submission, 11/09/23


Motions and Objections
Grouped LLC Intervenors' Comments on Town Motion for Continuance, 09/18/23
Grouped LLC  Intervenors' Reply to Applicant's Objection to Motion for Continuance (revised), received 09/21/23
Grouped LLC Intervenors' 2190 Post Road, LLC, Invest II, and International Investors Motion to Amend Connecticut Siting Council Schedule, 10/13/23
Grouped LLC Intervenors' Motion to Dismiss and/or Stay Proceedings, 11/27/23
SCNET Group, Town of Fairfield, and Grouped LLC Intervenors' Joint Motion in Opposition to Siting Council's December 8, 2023 Order, 12/12/23


Briefs/Findings of Fact
Grouped LLC Intervenors' Post-Hearing Brief, 01/11/24
National Trust for Historic Preservation Post-Hearing Brief, 01/11/24


FSL Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/28/23


Procedural Correspondence
FSL Interrogatories to Applicant, Set One, 09/14/23

Motions and Objections


Briefs/Findings of Fact
FSL Post-Hearing Brief, 01/11/24

PARTY - Town of Fairfield (Town)

Town of Fairfield Request for Party Status and Request for Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 08/28/23
Town of Fairfield Conservation Commission Comments, 02/21/23
Town of Fairfield Historic District Commission Comments, 09/21/23
Town of Fairfield Pre-filed Testimony of Brenda Kupchick,11/02/23
Town of Fairfield Pre-filed Testimony of Timothy Bishop, 11/02/23
Town of Fairfield Pre-filed Testimony of Adam Klyver, 11/02/23
Town of Fairfield Pre-filed Testimony of Matthew Schweisberg, 11/02/23
Town of Fairfield Pre-filed Testimony of Peter Vimini,11/02/23
Town of Fairfield Pre-filed Testimony of Wes Haynes,11/02/23
Town of Fairfield Pre-filed Testimony of Ray Awad, 11/09/23
Town of Fairfield Harbor Management Commission Comments, 11/16/23
Town of Fairfield Revised Pre-Testimony of Peter Vimini, 01/11/24


Procedural Correspondence
Town of Fairfield Interrogatories to Applicant, 10/12/23
Town of Fairfield Service List Request Change, 10/19/23
Town of Fairfield Request for Extension to Submit Pre-Filed Testimony of Ray Awad, 11/01/23
Town of Fairfield Pre-Hearing Submission, 11/02/23
Town of Fairfield Amended Pre-Hearing Submission, 11/09/23
Town of Fairfield Notice of Appearance, 11/21/23

Motions and Objections
Town Motion for Continuance, 09/14/23
Town Motion to Amend Connecticut Siting Council Schedule, 10/16/23
SCNET Group, Town of Fairfield, and Grouped LLC Intervenors Joint Motion in Opposition to Siting Council's December 8, 2023 Order, 12/12/23


Briefs/Findings of Fact
Town of Fairfield Post-Hearing Brief, 01/09/24
Town of Fairfield Additional Post-Hearing Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact, 01/11/24



SPC Request for Intervenor and CEPA Intervenor Status, 10/13/23
SPC Pre-filed Testimony of Robert Lamonica, 11/02/23
SPC Pre-filed Testimony of David Rusczyk, 11/02/23
SPC Pre-filed Testimony of Marlee NajamyWinnick, 11/02/23


Procedural Correspondence
SPC Pre-Hearing Submission Cover Letter, 11/02/23


Motions and Objections


Briefs/Findings of Fact
SPC Letter in Lieu of Brief, 01/11/24


City Request for Party and CEPA Intervenor Status, 11/22/23


Procedural Correspondence
City Response to Joint Motion in Opposition to Siting Council's December 8, 2023 Order, 12/12/23


Motions and Objections


Briefs/Findings of Fact
City Post-Hearing Brief, 01/11/24


Council's Draft Findings of Fact Comment Memorandum, 02/01/24
FSL Comments on Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 02/07/24
BWC Comments on Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 02/07/24
UI's Comments on Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 02/08/24
SCNET Group Comments on Council's  Draft Findings of Fact, 02/08/24
Southport Congregational Church Comments on Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 02/08/24
Town of Fairfield Comments on Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 02/08/24

Council's Final Decision Documents, 02/16/24