DOCKET NO. 508 – The United Illuminating Company (UI) application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the Milvon to West River Railroad Transmission Line 115-kV Rebuild Project that consists of the relocation and rebuild of its existing 115- kilovolt (kV) electric transmission lines from the railroad catenary structures to new steel monopole structures and related modifications to facilitate interconnection of the rebuilt 115-kV electric transmission lines at UI’s existing Milvon, Woodmont, Allings Crossing, Elmwest and West River substations along approximately 9.5 miles of the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s Metro-North Railroad corridor traversing the municipalities of Milford, Orange, West Haven and New Haven, Connecticut.
APPLICATION (recd. 02/28/22)
Application Volume 1: Description of Proposed Project
Volume 1A: Appendices
Appendix A: Agency Correspondence
Appendix B: Biological & Ecological Assessment Reports (Water/Biological Resources)
Appendix C: Visual Assessment and Photo-Simulations
Appendix D: Cultural Resources Reports (Phase 1A & Phase 1B)
Appendix E: Electric and Magnetic Field Report
Appendix F: Formal Requirements and CSC Application Guide
Application Volume 2: Project Mapping and Drawings
Bulk Filings Cover Letter, 02/28/22
City of Milford - Bulk Filing
Town of Orange - Bulk Filing
City of West Haven - Bulk Filing
City of New Haven - Bulk Filing
Conservation & Development Policies: The Plan for Connecticut
South Central Region: Plan of Conservation and Development 2018-2028
Bulk Filing 2 Cover Letter, 03/11/22
Municipal Consultation Filing
Volume 1
Appendix A1 Appendix A2 Appendix A3 - Appendices
Appendix B1 Appendix B2a Appendix B2b - Ecological Assessment Report (Water/Biological Resources)
Appendix C - Visual Assessment Report, including Photo-Simulations
Appendix D - Cultural Resources Report
Volume 2 - Project Mapping and Drawings
Milford Public Meeting and Letter to Abutting Property Owners
Municipal and General Public Outreach Efforts (Initiatives List)
Municipal and General Public Outreach Efforts (Outreach Log)
Post Card Invitation to the Virtual Open House
Presentations for the Meetings with Milford, Orange and West Haven
UI Letter Regarding Milford Recommendations, 03/17/22
Council Municipal Participation Fund Letter to the State Treasurer, 03/04/22
Council Completeness Review, 03/24/22
Council Interrogatories to Applicant, Set One, 04/01/22
Council Acknowledgement of City of Milford's Request for Party Status, 04/01/22
Council Decision on City of Milford's Request for Party Status, 04/21/22
Council Procedural Correspondence, 05/18/22
Council's Decision on UI's Request for an Extension of Time to Respond to Council's Request for a Late-Filed Exhibit and the City of Milford's Interrogatories, Set Three, 06/07/22
Council Late-Filed Exhibits Memorandum, 06/15/22
Council Close of Evidentiary Record Memorandum, 07/08/22
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Comments, 04/21/22
Council on Environmental Quality Comments, 04/27/22
Department of Transportation Comments, 06/10/22
Milford Legislative Delegation Comments, dated May 23, 2022
City of West Haven, Department of Planning and Development, Comments, 05/12/22
April 28, 2022 Hearing Documents, 03/25/22
1. Instruction for Public Access to Remote Public Hearing
2. Public Hearing Notice
3. Hearing Program
4. Citizens Guide to Siting Council Procedures; and
5. Proposed Site Plan
Remote Hearing Procedure Memorandum and Pre-Remote Hearing Conference via Zoom Remote Conferencing, 03/30/22
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 04/28/22 (Passcode: 0FYm@qa3 )
Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on May 24, 2022, 04/29/22
1. Instructions for Access to the May 24, 2022 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2. Hearing Program
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 05/24/22 (Passcode E?96uV%i )
Council Memorandum Regarding the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session on June 14, 2022, 05/25/22
1. Instructions for Access to the June 14, 2022 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2. Hearing Program
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 06/14/22 (Passcode Rcs#HP3U )
Schedule, 03/02/22
Schedule, 03/24/22
Schedule, 04/01/22
Schedule, 04/29/22
Schedule, 05/25/22
Schedule, 06/07/22
Schedule, 06/15/22
Schedule, 07/07/22
Service Lists
Service List, 03/03/22
Service List, 04/21/22
Service List Change Request, 12/24/24
Service List, 12/24/24
Hearing Programs
Hearing Program, 04/28/22
Hearing Program, 05/24/22
Hearing Program, 06/14/22
Hearing Transcript 2 p.m., 04/28/22
Public Session Transcript 6:30 p.m., 04/28/22
Council Transcript Memorandum, 05/17/22
Hearing Transcript, 05/24/22
Council Transcript Memorandum, 06/07/22
Hearing Transcript, 06/14/22
Council Transcript Memorandum, 0620/22
Applicant - The United Illuminating Company (UI)
UI Letter to Council Regarding Life Cycle Costs, 03/07/22
UI Responses to City of Milford's Recommendations, 04/11/22
UI Sign-Posting Affidavit, 04/19/21
UI Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, 04/21/22
Response to Council Interrogatory No. 13 - Fairfield to New Haven Railroad Corridor Transmission Line Asset Condition Assessment
Appendix A - Conceptual Cost Estimate Summaries
Appendix B - Cashflow Summaries
Appendix C - Level 1 Schedules
Appendix D.1.1 - MRW Alternative 1 Conceptual Design Drawings
Appendix D.1.2 - MRW Alternative 2 Conceptual Design Drawings
Appendix E -+200/-50% Conceptual Cost and Schedule Estimate Summaries and Approach Assumptions
Attachment MWR-A - Structural Analysis Procedure
UI Virtual Tour of Project, received 04/21/22
UI Pre-filed Testimony of Shawn Crosbie, 04/21/22
UI Witness Resumes, 04/21/22
UI Revised Response to Council Set One Interrogatory No. 16, 05/13/22
UI Additional Witness Resumes, 05/17/22
UI Late-Filed Exhibits, 05/17/22
UI Responses to City of Milford's Interrogatories, Set One, 05/17/22
Attachment to City of Milford's Interrogatories 4 and 5 Response
UI Responses to City of Milford's Interrogatories, Set Two, 05/17/22
UI Revised Response to City of Milford's Set Two Interrogatory 6, 05/18/22
UI Revised Response to City of Milford's Set Two Interrogatory 7, 05/24/22
UI Responses to City of Milford's Interrogatories, Set Three, 06/08/22
UI Late-Filed Exhibit, 06/08/22
UI Letter from SHPO dated June 8, 2022
UI Supplemental Response to City of Milford’s Set Three Interrogatory No. 7(a) received June 9, 2022
UI Late-Filed Exhibit 6, 06/23/22
UI Pre-Hearing Submission - List of Witnesses and Exhibits, 04/21/22
UI List of Additional Witnesses, 04/27/22
UI Submission of West Haven Department of Planning and Development Comments, 05/13/22
UI Pre-Hearing Submission - List of Additional Witnesses, 05/17/22
Motions and Objections
UI's Objection to the City of Milford's Motion for Additional Evidentiary Hearing and Amendment to the Procedural Schedule, 05/23/22
UI's Motion for an Extension of Time to Respond to Council's Late-Filed Exhibit Request and City of Milford's Third Set of Interrogatories, 06/07/22
Briefs/Findings of Fact
UI Post Hearing Brief, 08/01/22
Party - City of Milford (City)
City's Request for Party Status, 03/31/22
City's Pre-filed Testimony of Marguerite Carnell, 05/17/22
City's Pre-filed Testimony of Bill Silver, 05/17/22
City's Pre-filed Testimony of David Sulkis, Christopher Saley, and MaryRose Palumbo, 06/07/22
City's Interrogatories, Set One, to UI, 04/26/22
City's Interrogatories, Set Two, to UI, 05/09/22
City's Pre-Hearing Submission, 05/17/22
City's Pre-Hearing Submission - Administrative Notice Items, 05/17/22
City's Final Interrogatories to UI, Set Three, 05/31/22
City's Pre-Hearing Submission, 06/07/22
Motions and Objections
City's Motion for an Additional Evidentiary Hearing, 05/20/22
Attachment A - SHPO Correspondence to UI Consultant David George, dated May 13, 2022
Council's Draft Findings of Fact
Council's Draft Findings of Fact Memorandum, 08/04/22
UI Comments on Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 08/11/22
Council's Final Decision Documents, 08/19/22
UI Partial D&M Plan - Segment 1 - Cover Letter, 04/13/23
Partial D&M Plan Segment 1 - Volume 1 - Segment 1 - Elmwest Substation to West River Substation
Partial D&M Plan Segment 1 - Volume 2 - Maps, Drawings and Resource Specification
Partial D&M Plan Segment 1 - Volume 3 - Project Wide Plans
Partial D&M Plan Segment 1 - Motion for Protective Order, 04/13/23
>Affidavit of Paul Kenline, 04/13/23
>D&M Plan Protective Order
Partial D&M Plan Segment 1 Schedule, 04/18/23
Withdrawal of Motion for Protective Order and Revised D&M Plan Volume 3 Attachment 1 (Species Protection Plan), 05/03/23
Council Acknowledgement of Withdrawal of Motion for Protective Order, 06/08/23
Council Partial D&M Plan I Decision and Staff Report, 06/08/23
UI Partial D&M Plan - Segment 2 - Cover Letter, 07/07/23
Partial D&M Plan Segment 2 - Volume 1 Allings Crossing Substation to Elmwest Substation
Partial D&M Plan Segment 2 - Volume 2 - Maps, Drawings and Resource Specifications
Partial D&M Plan Segment 2 Schedule, 07/07/23
Council Partial D&M Plan II - Segment 2 - Decision and Staff Report, 08/18/23
Request for Revision to Partial D&M Plan Segment 1 - CDOT Work Yard, 08/24/23
Council Decision on Partial D&M Plan Segment 1 Revision, 08/30/23
Proposed SHPO Mitigation Plans - Visual Impact, 08/30/23
Notice of Construction Commencement, 09/01/23
Council Acknowledgement of Condition 2(e) Submission, 09/08/23
Submission of Construction Laydown Areas, 09/08/23
Submission of Supplemental Construction Laydown Area Information, 09/25/23
Council Acknowledgement of D&M Partial Plan I and II Condition No. 1 Compliance, 09/25/23
Quarterly Construction Status Report - 3rd Quarter 2023, 10/03/23
D&M Plan Segment 1 Revision Request, 11/10/23
Council Decision on D&M Plan Segment 1 Revision Request, 11/21/23
Notice of Commencement of Construction on Segment 2, 12/01/23
D&M Plan Segment 1 Revision Request and Council Decision, 12/07/23
Quarterly Construction Status Report - 4th Quarter 2023, 01/15/24
Submission of Additional Construction Laydown Area Information and Council Acknowledgement of D&M Partial Plan I and II Condition No. 1 Compliance, 01/31/24
Partial D&M Plan II - Segment 2 Revision Request and Council Decision, 02/16/24
Partial D&M Plan Segment 3 - Volume 1, 03/28/24
Partial D&M Plan Segment 3 - Volume 2 (Maps and Drawings), 03/28/24
Partial D&M Plan Segment 2 Correction, 04/02/24
Quarterly Construction Status Report - 1st Quarter 2024, 04/05/24
Partial D&M Plan Segment 3 Schedule, 04/08/24
Council Decision on Partial D&M Plan II - Segment 2 Revision, 04/09/24
Partial D&M Plan I - Segment 1 Revision Request and Council Decision, 05/06/24
Council Decision on Partial D&M Plan III - Segment 3, 05/13/24
Partial D&M Plan 1 - Segment 1 Revision Request and Council Decision, 05/30/24
Partial D&M Plan II - Segment 2 Revision Request and Council Decision, 06/13/24
Partial D&M Plan IV - Segment 4 - Volume 1 and Cover Letter, 06/20/24
Partial D&M Plan IV - Segment 4 - Volume 2, 06/20/24
Partial D&M Plan II - Segment 2 Revision Request and Council Decision, 06/21/24
Partial D&M Plan IV - Segment 4 Schedule, 06/24/24
Quarterly Construction Status Report - 2nd Quarter 2024, 07/29/24
Council Decision on Partial D&M Plan IV - Segment 4, 08/02/24
Partial D&M Plan II - Segment 2 Revision Request and Council Decision, 08/20/24
Partial D&M Plan III and IV Schedule Revision Request and Council Decision, 08/20/24
Notification of Completion of Construction and Commencement of Operation - D&M Plan Segment 1, 09/09/24
Notification of Construction Commencement - Segment 4 (Allings Crossing to Woodmont), 09/18/24
Partial D&M Plans III and IV Revision Request and Council Revision Decision, 10/04/24
Partial D&M Plans III and IV Segment 3 and 4 Revision Request and Council Decision, 10/30/24
Quarterly Construction Status Report - 3rd Quarter 2024, 10/31/24
Partial D&M Plan - Segment 2 Revision Request and Council Decision, 11/01/24
Partial D&M Plan Condition No. 1 Submission - Laydown Area, 11/22/24
Partial D&M Plan Segments 1 and 3 Revision Request, 11/22/24
Council Acknowledgement of Compliance with Condition No. 1 of Partial D&M Plan - Segment 1 and Segment 3 Revision Decision, 12/02/24
Partial D&M Plan - Segments 2, 3, and 4 Revision Request and Council Decision, 12/11/24
Partial D&M Plan- Segment 4 Revision Request and Council Decision, 12/11/24
Quarterly Construction Status Report - 4th Quarter 2024, 01/10/25
Partial D&M Plan - Segment 3 Revision Request and Council Decision, 01/27/25