DOCKET NO. 492 – Gravel Pit Solar application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a 120-megawatt-AC solar photovoltaic electric generating facility on eight parcels generally located to the east and west of the Amtrak and Connecticut Rail Line, south of Apothecaries Hall Road and north of the South Windsor town boundary in East Windsor, Connecticut and associated electrical interconnection.

APPLICATION (recd. 07/31/20)
Cover Letter, 07/31/20
Exhibit A - Figures
Exhibit B - DESRI Renewables, LLC Company Resumes
Exhibit C - Site Plans
Exhibit D - Abutters List and Notice
Exhibit E - List of Municipal Officials and Government Agencies Notice
Exhibit F - Municipal Correspondence
Exhibit G - Visibility Assessment
Exhibit H - Soil Scientist's Report
Exhibit I - Wildlife Evaluations Technical Memorandum
Exhibit J - CT DEEP NDDB Correspondence
Exhibit K - Vernal Pool Survey Technical Memorandum
Exhibit L - Stormwater Management Report
Exhibit M - SHPO Corresondence and Cultural Resources Survey
Exhibit N - Acoustical Study
Exhibit O - Carbon Debt Analysis
Exhibit P - Operations & Maintenance Plan
Exhibit Q - FAA Notice of Proposed Construction and Determinations of No Hazard
Exhibit R - GPS Emergency Management and Evacuation Plan
Exhibit S - Decommissioning Plan
Exhibit T - Agricultural Soil Protection Plan
Bulk Filings
Town of East Windsor Zoning Regulations
Town of East Windsor Zoning Map
Town of East Windsor Plan of Conservation and Development
Town of East Windsor Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations
Town Consultation Documents:
Gravel Pit Solar, LLC Letter to Towns of East Windsor and South Windsor, 05/22/20
Draft Application Filing for Municipal Review, 05/22/20
Draft Application Exhibit C Site Plans for Municipal Review - available upon request
VHB Visibility Assessment, 07/10/20
Gravel Pit Solar, LLC Memorandum to Town of East Windsor, 07/20/20
Gravel Pit Solar, LLC Letter to Towns of East Windsor and South Windsor, 07/21/20
Fee Cover Letter, 08/11/20


Council Municipal Participation Fund Letter to the State Treasurer, 08/13/20
Council Completeness Review Memorandum, 09/24/20
Council Interrogatories to Applicant, Set One, 10/07/20


Council on Environmental Quality Comments, 10/02/20
Department of Transportation Comments, 10/16/20
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Comments, 11/02/20
Department of Agriculture Comments, 11/04/20


Town of East Windsor Comments, 11/12/20




Pre-Hearing Tele-Conference Memorandum, 09/25/20 
Remote Hearing Procedures Memorandum, 09/30/20 
November 12, 2020 Hearing Documents, 09/29/20
1. Instructions for Public Access to Remote Public Hearing on November 12, 2020
2. Public Hearing Notice
3. Hearing Program 
4. Citizens Guide to Siting Council Procedures; and
5. Proposed Facility Site Plan 
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 11/12/20  (Passcode:   tF.w3V%C )
Council Memorandum Regarding Motion and the Continuation of the Evidentiary Hearing Session, 11/13/20
1.  Instruction for Access to December 1, 2020 Evidentiary Hearing Session
2.  December 1, 2020 Hearing Program
Zoom Remote Public Hearing Recording, 12/01/20  (  Passcode: $TR*I$16 )

Schedule, 07/31/20
Schedule, 09/24/20

Service Lists
Service List, 08/07/20

Hearing Programs
November 11, 2020 Hearing Program
December 1, 2020 Hearing Program

Hearing Transcript 2 p.m., 11/12/20
Public Session Transcript 6:30 p.m., 11/12/20
Council Transcript Memorandum, 11/18/20
Continued Evidentiary Hearing Transcript, 12/01/20
Council Transcript Memorandum, 12/08/20


Applicant - Gravel Pit Solar 

Gravel Pit Solar EMF Report Submission, 09/01/20
Gravel Pit Solar Publication Notification, 09/08/20
Gravel Pit Solar Affidavit of Publication, 09/16/20
Phase IB Submission Cover Letter with SHPO Correspondence, 10/08/20  Gravel Pit Solar Phase IB Archaeological and Architectural Survey  
Gravel Pit Solar Responses to Council Interrogatories, Set One, 10/28/20
Exhibit A - Abutter Proof of Mailing Notice
Exhibit B - Redacted Lease and Easement Agreement between Back 124 LLC
 Redacted Option to Lease Agreement between Back 124 LLC
 Redacted Lease and Easement Agreement between Northern Capital Region Disposal
 Redacted Option to Lease Agreement between Northern Capital Region Disposal
Exhibit C - Specification Sheets
Exhibit D - Revised Site Plans
Exhibit E - Generation and Transmission Letter
Exhibit F - Wetland Impacts Map
Exhibit G - Preliminary Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan 
Exhibit H - Revised Wetland Map
Exhibit I -   Photo Log
Exhibit J -  Geotechnical Engineering Report
Correspondence from the State Historic Preservation Office, 11/06/20
Gravel Pit Solar Response to DoAG comments, 11/06/20
Gravel Pit Solar Switchyard Drawing Details, 11/11/20
Gravel Pit Solar Responses to the Council's Late Filed Exhibit Requests, 11/24/20

Gravel Pit Solar Witness List, 11/05/20

Motions and Objections
Motion for Protective Order, 11/06/20

Post Hearing Brief and Draft Findings of Fact
Gravel Pit Solar Post-Hearing Brief, 12/31/20


Council's Draft Findings of Fact, 02/11/21


Council's Final Decision Documents, 03/01/21


Development and Management Plan Phase I Cover Letter, 03/31/21
Phase I D&M Plan Narrative
Exhibit A1 - Stormwater Pollution Control Plan 
Exhibit A2 - Site Plans
Exhibit B -  Figures
Exhibit C - Horizontal Directional Drill Plan
Exhibit D -  SHPO Correspondence
Exhibit E -  CT DEEP NDDB Correspondence
Exhibit F -  Updated Landscape Mitigation Plan
Exhibit G -  Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
Exhibit H -  CT DEEP Dam Safety Program Consultation
Exhibit I -   Construction Traffic Management Plan
D&M Phase I Schedule, 04/01/21
Council D&M Phase I Decision and Staff Report, 05/21/21
Development and Management Plan Phase II, 12/29/21
Exhibit A  - Stormwater Pollution Control Plan and Site Plans 
Exhibit B -  Eversource Switchyard and GPS Substation Plans 
Exhibit C - Figures
Exhibit D - Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure and Extractable Heavy Metals Test Results
Exhibit E - Specification Sheets
Exhibit F -  CT DEEP Conditional Stormwater General Permit Approval 
Exhibit G - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New England District Approved
Jurisdictional Determination

Exhibit H - CT DEEP Monitoring Well Relocation Approval 
Exhibit I - SHPO Correspondence
D&M Phase II Schedule, 01/03/2022
Request to Modify Reporting Schedule and Council Decision, 01/21/22
Council Decision and Staff Report on Phase II D&M Plan, 02/14/22 
Gravel Pit Solar Stormwater Water Permit Submission, 02/16/22
Gravel Pit Solar  Spill Pollution Control and Countermeasure and Contractor Contact Submission, 02/16/22
Council Acknowledgement of Condition Submissions, 02/18/22
Quarterly Construction Progress Report, 04/01/22
Gravel Pit Solar D&M Plan Decision Letter Condition Submissions No. 2 and 3, 06/29/22
Council Acknowledgement of D&M Plan Condition Submissions, 07/01/22
Quarterly Construction Progress Report (April 2022 to June 2022), 07/27/22
Partial D&M Plan II Condition No. 1 Submission and Request for Minor Amendments to D&M Plan, 09/08/22
Council Acknowledgement of Condition Submission and Decision on Request for Minor Amendments to D&M Plan, 09/13/22
Request for Partial D&M Plan Construction Hours Change and Council Decision, 09/29/22
Construction Status Report (July through September 2022), 10/13/22
Construction Status Report and Temporary Work Hour Change Request, 02/22/23
Council Decision on Temporary Work Hour Change Request, 02/23/23
Gravel Pit Solar Proposed Repair of Streambed Erosion Correspondence, 04/06/23
Council Decision on Partial D&M Plan 1 Revision, 04/13/23
Request for Temporary Work Hours and Council Decision, 05/12/23
Quarterly Construction Progress Report - April to June 2023, 07/13/23
Horizontal Directional Drilling Occurrence Letter, 08/08/23
Partial D&M Plan Revision Request for Temporary Extended Work Hours and Council Decision, 09/29/23
Request for an Extension of Construction Time and Council Extension Decision, 02/02/24
Proposed Changes to Landscaping and Vegetation Plans, 04/04/24
Quarterly Construction Progress Report - January to March 2024, 04/05/24
Council Decision on Proposed Changes Landscaping and Vegetation Plans, 04/09/24
Request for Temporary Extended Work Hours and Council Decision, 05/03/24
Letter to Council Regarding Vegetative Management, 07/10/24
Council Vegetative Management Acknowledgement, 07/15/24