DOCKET NO. 410 - - American Towers LLC Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the construction, maintenance and operation of a telecommunications facility located at 234 Melba Street, Milford, Connecticut.
Application (Exh. 1)
Part I - Narrative; Factual Summary and Project Plans; Notification Requirements; FCC Authorization
Part II - Coverage Maps; Antenna and Equipment Specifications; Site Search Summary
Part III - Visual Analysis; Environmental Assessment; FAA Report; Redacted Lease Agreement
CSC Routine Telecommunications Administrative Items
Telecommunications Carrier Limited Appearance
Parties and Intervenor Correspondence
Verizon Responses to CSC 12/22/10 (Exh. 4)
Pre-Filed Submissions
Notification pursuant to C.G.S. 16-50l(e), 10/29/10 (Exh. 2)
Notification pursuant to C.G.S. 16-50l(e), 10/29/10 (Exh. 2)
Sign Affidavit 01/20/11 (Exh. 5)
Motions/Briefs/Draft Findings of Fact
Final Decision
Development and Management Plan
Transfer of Certificate