1. Notice of Proposed Land Transfer of the Former University of Connecticut Greated Hartford Campus
Complete Address of Property: 1700 and 1800 Asylum Avenue, West Hartford, CT
Number of acres to be transferred: 57.46 acres, total. 1700 and 1800 Asylum Avenue consist of 23.56 acres and 33.9 acres, respectively.
Click to view map of property location
Description of Property
Brief Description of Historical and Current Uses: Before 1964 the property was undeveloped. It was acquired by the State for the University of Connecticut. The University of Connecticut operated its Greater Hartford campus on the property from the mid-1960’s until the fall of 2017 when the campus moved to downtown Hartford. UConn Law School shared the campus from 1964-1984.
The 1700 Asylum Avenue location consists of parking for the campus. It also includes recreational ball fields leased to the Town of West Hartford.
The five buildings and main portion of the campus are located at 1800 Asylum Avenue. Currently all of the buildings are vacant and unused except that the UConn Agricultural Extension Center’s Hartford County office currently operates in the small building at 1800 Asylum Avenue (The “IT Center” shown on Figure 2 below). That function will be relocated by the fall of 2018.
The property to be transferred contains the following:
Buildings in use
Buildings not in use
Wooded land
Nonagricultural fields
Active agriculture
Paved areas
Ponds, streams or other water
Water Supply: Public water supply On-site well Unknown
Waste Disposal: Served by sewers On-site septic system Unknown
Click to view aerial view of property
The property is in the following municipal zone