1. Notice of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) for Mirror Lake Improvements at the University of Connecticut
Project Title: Mirror Lake Improvements
Address of Possible Project Location: Mansfield Road at the University of Connecticut, Storrs
Municipality where it would be located: Mansfield
Project Description: The University of Connecticut proposes to make improvements to Mirror Lake – an approximately 5-acre stormwater basin on the University’s Storrs Campus. The proposed project consists of the following elements:
- Dam safety improvements, including replacing the existing spillway with a stepped spillway and raising the dam’s earthen embankment
- Stormwater management improvements, including the rerouting of several discharge points into sedimentation forebays and regrading of upstream and downstream slopes
- Dredging and improvements to aquatic ecosystems, including the use of hydraulic and mechanical dredging to remove accumulated sediments and restore the lake depth
- Landscape improvements, including littoral zone plantings and site-specific amenities that enhance cultural benefits and improve access to the water’s edge
The Mirror Lake Improvements project was identified in UConn’s Campus Master Plan as a key near-term landscape project aimed at amplifying the University’s commitment to sustainable, resilient landscapes and enhancing Mirror Lake’s function as a ceremonial entry to the South Campus. This project will be an opportunity for the University to improve the Lake’s hydrological performance and natural aesthetic, while also expanding access to the water’s edge and celebrating the Lake as an important cultural asset and entry point to the campus.
Map of Proposed Action: Mirror Lake EIE Figure ES1 Proposed Action
Scoping Notice and Post-Scoping Notice: Beginning on November 16, 2021, the University of Connecticut published the first of three Notices of Scoping in the Environmental Monitor. A public scoping meeting was held virtually on December 8, 2021, and the 30-day comment period closed on December 16, 2021. The University of Connecticut published a post-scoping notice on February 22, 2022 in the Environmental Monitor.
The University has prepared an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE). The public may view a copy of this EIE at Mirror Lake Improvements EIE _web or the University Planning, Design and Construction’s project webpage at www.updc.uconn.edu/mirror-lake. A hard copy may be made available for viewing upon request.
Comments on this EIE will be accepted until 5 pm on: Friday, May 20, 2022
There is a public hearing scheduled for this EIE on:
DATE: Wednesday, April 13, 2022
TIME: 6:30 pm EDT
PLACE: Virtual
NOTES: The meeting will be held virtually on GoToWebinar. You may register to attend using the following link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/992478990610264335. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting (including an option to join by phone). A link to the recording will be available shortly after the hearing at http://updc.uconn.edu/mirror-lake.
Written comments and/or questions about the meeting, project, or the EIE for this project should be sent to the following agency contact (email preferred) (Please use “Mirror Lake EIE” in the subject line):
Name: Ian Dann, Project Manager
Agency: University of Connecticut, University Planning, Design and Construction
Address: 31 LeDoyt Rd, Unit 3038, Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3038
Phone: (860) 486-6503
E-Mail: ian.dann@uconn.edu
Inquiries and requests to view and or copy documents, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, must be submitted at https://publicrecords.uconn.edu/make-a-request/.
What Happens Next: The University of Connecticut will review the comments received and may conduct further environmental study and analysis or amend the EIE. The University will also prepare responses to substantive issues raised in review of the comments received. Those responses, and all supplemental materials and comments, will be made available in a Record of Decision that will appear in a future issue of the Environmental Monitor.