1. Notice of Proposed Land Transfer in Hartford

Complete Address of Property: 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, CT 06106

Commonly used name of property or other identifying information: City of Hartford, Assessor Property Card Parcel ID # 246-443-003

Number of acres to be transferred: .85

Click to view map Google Map of property location

Description of Property

Below is some general information about the property. It should not be considered a complete description of the property and should not be relied upon for making decisions. If only a portion of a property is proposed for transfer, the description pertains only to the portion being transferred.

Brief Description of Historical and Current Uses: Built in 1905, the building is 84,637 SF. It was formerly used as office space by the State of Connecticut. The building consists of 5 floors plus a basement with 3 working elevators. There are 43 parking spaces in the paved lot in the rear of the building.  

The property to be transferred contains the following: 


Building(s) in use


Building(s) not in use


No Structures


Other Features:


Paved areas


Wooded land


Non agricultural fields 


Active agriculture


Ponds, streams, other water, wetlands


Public water supply


On-site well


Water Supply Unknown


Served by sewers 


On-site septic system 


Waste Disposal Unknown


Click to View Aerial ViewGIS Map Image, Assessor's Card

Photographs of property:

Click to View Street ViewBuilding Rear View

The property is in the following municipal zone(s): 


Zoned MX-1


Not zoned  


Not known 











Mixed Use

Special features of the property, if known: This building is located within a Historic Preservation Ordinance District.

Value of property, if known: 


If checked, value is not known.

Type of Sale or Transfer:


Sale or transfer of property in fee 


Sale or transfer of partial interest in the property (such as an easement). Description of interest:

Proposed recipient, if known: Offered to the general public

Proposed use by property recipient, if known: N/A

The agency is proposing to transfer the property with the following restrictions on future uses:


If checked, the state is not currently proposing restrictions on future uses.

Reason the state of Connecticut is proposing to transfer this property: The building is no longer needed for State use.

Comments from the public are welcome and will be accepted until the close of business on April 1, 2021.

Comments may include (but are not limited to) information you might have about significant natural resources or recreation resources on the property, as well as your recommendations for means to preserve such resources.

Written comments* should be sent to:

Name: Paul Hinsch

Agency: Office of Policy and Management

Phone: 860.418.6429

E-Mail: Paul.Hinsch@ct.gov
*E-Mail submissions are preferred.

With a copy to

Name: Shane Mallory

Agency: Department of Administrative Services

Phone: 860.713.5682

E-Mail: Shane.Mallory@ct.gov

(Comments from state agencies must be on agency letterhead and signed by agency head.  Scanned copies are preferred.)

If you have questions about the proposed property transfer please email them to:

Name: Shane Mallory

Agency: Department of Administrative Services

Phone: 860.713.5682

E-Mail: Shane.Mallory@ct.gov

Additional information, if any: 

What Happens Next:

When this comment period closes, the proposed land transfer can take one of three tracks:

1.   If no public comments are received, the sale or transfer can proceed with no further public comment and no further notices in the Environmental Monitor, unless the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) elects to conduct a review of the property (see #3).

2.   If public comments are received, the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) will respond to those comments. The comments and responses will be published in the Environmental Monitor.  Fifteen days after publication of the comments and responses, the proposed sale or transfer can proceed, unless DEEP elects to conduct a review of the property (see #3).

3.   If DEEP elects to conduct a further review of the property, it may submit to OPM a report with recommendations for preserving all or part of the property. The report and recommendations will be published in the Environmental Monitor, and there will be a 30-day public comment period. The DEEP will publish its responses to any comments received and its final recommendation about the property in the Environmental Monitor. OPM will then make the final determination as to the ultimate disposition of the property, and will publish that determination in the Environmental Monitor. Fifteen days after publication of that final determination, the sale or transfer can proceed.

To find out if this proposed transfer is the subject of further notices, check future editions of the Environmental Monitor. Sign up for e-alerts to receive a reminder e-mail on Environmental Monitor publication dates.