Members of the public may watch the following parole and pardons hearings via video feed (Click here for instructions. The video will be available for viewing after the hearing as long as the link is posted on the website). Hearings start at 9am unless posted otherwise. Click on the below links to watch hearings on:

February 10th, 2025:
Carl Robinson CI Hearing - R#3.

Pardon Expedited, Prescreen & COE Reviews -R#2.

All hearings will be conducted as MS Teams or Zoom Virtual Hearings and streamed LIVE on this website as well. Please check back periodically for updates and links. Please refresh or switch your web browser if the links are not working.



You may apply to the Pardons Board for an Absolute Pardon, which is an absolute erasure of your criminal record, THREE (3) YEARS after the date of disposition of your most recent MISDEMEANOR conviction and FIVE (5) YEARS after the date of disposition of your most recent FELONY conviction.


If you have a case that was “nolled,” you are not eligible to apply for any type of pardon until the nolle has cleared.  A nolle remains for a period of thirteen (13) months after the date of disposition by the court.


Additionally, you cannot be on any form of supervision when applying for an Absolute Pardon, have any pending charges or open cases in any other jurisdiction (state or federal). 


PLEASE NOTE:  You cannot apply for erasure of one offense and not another. Only your entire criminal history will be considered for a full pardon.