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  • 2017-01 Formal Opinion, Attorney General, State of Connecticut

    Senator Fasano's request on the requirements of Conn. Gen. Stat. §3-125a, which provides that the General Assembly may reject a settlement agreement by a "three-fifths vote of each house."

  • Hon. Donald E. Williams, Jr., Hon. Martin M. Looney, Hon. Christopher G. Donovan, Hon. Denise Merrill Formal Opinion 2010-003, Attorney General State of Connecticut

    This letter responds to your request for a formal opinion regarding the decision by Mark McQuillian, Commissioner of Education ("Commissioner") and the State Board of Education ("State Board") to suspend the operation of J.M. Wright Technical High School

  • History of the Attorney General's Office

    A Brief History of the Connecticut Attorney General's Office and Biographies of the Attorney General's Who Have Held Office

  • Price Fixing - Bid Rigging Antitrust Primer (PDF-91KB)

    Price Fixing & Bid Rigging (September 2011)- It Can Happen in Connecticut. What are the violations and what to look for - an Antitrust primer for procurement professionals. This primer is designed primarily for public or private purchasing professionals. It contains an overview of the federal and state antitrust laws and the penalties that may be imposed for their violation.

  • Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

    Includes information on antitrust laws, what is price fixing, what to do if an antitrust violation has occurred, etc.

  • Antitrust Resources

    Information on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law, American Antitrust Institute and other helpful Links.

  • Antitrust

    This Section administers and enforces the Connecticut Antitrust Act, and has authority to enforce major provisions of the federal antitrust laws. The Section also relies on federal and state laws to ensure the Attorney General’s overall responsibility to maintain open and competitive markets in Connecticut. Utilizing these statutes, we investigate and prosecute antitrust and other competition-related actions on behalf of consumers, businesses and governmental units. In addition, this Section provides advice and counsel on proposed legislation and various issues regarding competition policy. In the past few years, the Attorney General served as the chair of the Antitrust Committee of the National Association of Attorneys General and remains active within that organization.

  • Model Antitrust Compliance Program

    An Antitrust Compliance resource for small/medium size businesses in Connecticut

  • Child Protection

    This Section, with over 40 attorneys, is dedicated to protecting the children of the State of Connecticut from abuse and neglect. This past year, the Child Protection Section successfully represented the Department of Children and families in thousands of juvenile court cases, to protect children who had been abused and neglected and help their placement in permanent safe homes. The Section also successfully defended a number of appeals involving these children before the Appellate and Supreme Court.

  • Child Protection Section - Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

  • Child Support Information and Problem Resolution Line: 1-800-228-KIDS (228-5437)

  • Law in Plain Language: Child Support

    The Attorney General's Office, the Office of Child Support Services and the Support Enforcement Division (Superior Court) participate in actions concerning establishing, enforcing, or modifying support orders when a party is receiving IV-D support enforcement services.

  • Consumer Protection

    The Consumer Protection Section protects Connecticut's consumers by investigating and litigating consumer protection matters under the authority of the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act ("CUTPA") and other state and federal statutes. The Section advises the Attorney General and the Commissioner of the Department of Consumer Protection on consumer protection matters and represents and defends the Department of Consumer Protection in court. The Section also advocates on behalf of Connecticut's energy and utility ratepayers in state and federal fora. In addition, the Section educates consumers on how to avoid becoming victims of unfair and deceptive trade practices and, where possible, mediates disputes.

  • Employment Rights

    The Employment Rights division of this Section devotes a substantial amount of its resources to defending state agencies, including the University of Connecticut, the UCONN Health Center, the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, and state officials in employment related litigation and administrative complaints. Its staff continues to work to effectively defend employment claims against the state and state officials – thereby limiting or avoiding the state's exposure to financial liability and other costs associated with litigation -- while ensuring protection of employees' legitimate legal rights. The section also regularly provides legal advice and counsel, both orally and in writing, to state agencies on a variety of employment matters. The Labor and Workers' Compensation division of this Section represents the State Treasurer as the Custodian of the Second Injury Fund, the Workers' Compensation Commission and the Department of Administrative Services in its capacity as the administrator of the state employees' workers' compensation program, as well as DAS Personnel, the Labor Department, the Office of Labor Relations, the Office of the Claims Commissioner, the State Employees Retirement Commission, the Teachers' Retirement Board, and others. The section's workers' compensation attorneys and paralegals represent the Second Injury Fund in cases involving potential liability of the Fund for workers' compensation benefits and the State of Connecticut in contested workers' compensation claims filed by state employees. The section's workers' compensation attorneys and paralegals also devote significant time to third party tortfeasor cases that result in the recovery of money for the State and the Fund, as well as handling a large number of ap

  • Clean Air Act Cases and Challenges

    This Section has been very active in representing the State of Connecticut in various actions whose goal is to improve and protect Connecticut’s air quality. These actions include lawsuits against major polluters and regulatory challenges to proposed federal rules that, instead of placing stricter controls on air emissions, would allow more pollution.