FAQs for Retired Teachers

When will you mail my end of year tax Form IRS 1099R?  If my check is electronically deposited, where will you mail this form?

Your IRS Form 1099R will be mailed by the last day of January to the home address on your file. Be sure to always keep us informed of your current home address in writing. Please allow up to 14 days for your 1099R to be received.

After 14 days, you may request that a reprint be mailed to you by submitting the Request for a Duplicate IRS 1099R Form. Please feel free to direct inquiries to TRB.1099@ct.gov, and check our website often for any updates.

You may also request that your 1099R be emailed to you by visiting our 1099R Statement Center.

If you are a CT resident with a 1099R from the Connecticut Teachers' Retirement Board, you may be eligible for an income tax exemption. Please refer to the DRS 2023 Connecticut Resident Income Tax Instruction Booklet, CT-1040, for more information or call DRS directly at (860) 297-5962 with any questions or concerns.

View 2023 Important Notices and FAQs for 1099R

How to Read Your 1099R