Looking for a way to make a positive contribution in your spare time? We are seeking civic-minded people of all ages and backgrounds to join our Volunteer Corps. Your commitment of just a few hours per week or per month can make a difference for Connecticut’s civic health.

If you would like to assist in carrying out the mission of the Office of the Secretary of the State, we offer a variety of opportunities depending on your personal skills and interests, including but not limited to:

Tabling at fairs, festivals, and other events

Organizing and executing community events

Coordinating community outreach effort

Promoting civic engagement programs

Research and writing projects

Video and graphic design projects

Training and Availability:

Virtual training will be provided for all new volunteers.

Depending on the role, you can serve remotely, in your local community, or at our offices in Hartford.

• Volunteer opportunities are available during regular business hours, in the evenings, and on weekends.

Note: Depending on the nature of their work, most volunteers do not need to conform their hours to the agency’s office hours. Weekend and evening hours are welcome, though an occasional virtual meeting may be requested during regular business hours.


Volunteer skills:

Seeking students, working professionals, retirees, and others eager to donate their skills and talents to the cause of civic engagement. Helpful skillsets include strong oral and/or written communication, graphic design, video production and editing, or basic computer skills. Don’t see your skillset listed? Tell us what you can do, and we will do our best to match you to an appropriate project.


How You Can Get Involved:

If you’re interested in making a difference and want to contribute your time and skills, please click here to complete an application.

Questions? Contact us at sots.volunteercorps@ct.gov.



The Office of the Secretary of the State is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, religion, disability, age, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, LGBTQ identification, family status, or military status. Women, people of color, and other members of traditionally underrepresented communities are strongly encouraged to apply.