The Connecticut Alternate Assessment System (CTAA, CTAS and CAAELP)  


Connecticut's Alternate Assessment System is composed the following assessments for eligible students with significant cognitive disabilities:

Alternate Academic Assessments

Connecticut Alternate Assessments measure the knowledge and skills of students with significant cognitive disabilities as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). They are designed to support student independence to the greatest extent possible by making academic and language content accessible and the expected achievement levels appropriate. The Connecticut Alternate Assessment System is comprised of the following assessments:

  • The Connecticut Alternate Assessment (CTAA)—aligned to the same Connecticut Core Standards (CCS) used to instruct and assess all of Connecticut’s public-school students in Grades 3-8 and 11 in the subject areas of mathematics and English language arts.
  • The Connecticut Alternate Science (CTAS) Assessment—aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and administered to students in Grades 5, 8, and 11.
  • The Connecticut Alternate Assessment of English Language Proficiency (CAAELP)—designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities in Grades K-12 who are dually identified as English learners/multilingual learners (ELs/MLs) receiving services under IDEA. Content aligned to and derived from the Connecticut English Language Proficiency (CELP) standards define the tested domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • Comparison of Alternate Assessments Chart - This table describes features across all three assessments within the Alternate Assessment System, which includes the Connecticut Alternate Assessment (CTAA) for Math and ELA, the Connecticut Alternate Science (CTAS) and the CAAELP.

Eligibility for the Alternate Assessment System

Students with significant cognitive disabilities are identified for participation in the Alternate Assessment System when the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) determines the student meets eligibility criteria using the required Alternate Assessment System Eligibility Form embedded within CT- SEDS.  

Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Eligibility Form Verification in CT-SEDS 

In preparation for statewide summative assessments, teams should plan early and be aware of the following:

  • During the PPT meeting, plan for all grades covered by the duration of the IEP. For example, if the PPT is occurring in April for a third grader and the implementation date is prior to the end of the school year, the team should plan the IEP to span from April to April and ensure correct assessment determination for both Grades 3 and 4.
  • For students to receive the most appropriate summative assessment and be rostered to the correct assessment, districts should make a determination for alternate assessment eligibility at the annual PPT. Assessment decisions for the 2024-25 should be determined by the dates below.
  • When the Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Eligibility Form is completed and verified, and the IEP is finalized and implemented in CT-SEDS, the alternate assessment data will sync with TIDE. Through this process, the Alternate Assessment Flag indicator will be activated in TIDE and give the student access to the alternate assessment at the time of testing. This data will also be used by the CSDE to remove the student from certain data files used for the CT SAT School Day and the LAS Links if applicable.
  • If the Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Eligibility Form is not completed and verified through a finalized and implemented IEP in CT-SEDS, the student will be rostered to the standard assessments (e.g., LAS Links, CT-SAT School Day, Smarter Balanced, and/or the NGSS.)
  • If the PPT makes a determination for testing or amends the assessment section of the IEP during the testing window, please postpone the student's test administration until the plan is finalized and implemented.
 Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Eligibility Form Verification in CT-SEDS
CT-SEDS Implementation Date (Must be finalized in CT-SEDS) Assessment
Fully Implemented IEP by 12/20/2024

Eligibility forms must be approved, verified, finalized, and implemented within the IEP in CT-SEDS for the following assessments for the students to be correctly registered for:

  • CAAELP (students identified as EL/ML in Grades K-12); and
  • CTAA and CTAS (Grade 11)
Fully Implemented IEP by 2/1/2025

Eligibility forms must be approved, verified, finalized, and implemented within the IEP in CT-SEDS for the following assessments for the students to be correctly registered for the:

  • CTAA (Grades 3-8, and newly identified students in Grade 11); and
  • CTAS (Grades 5, 8, and newly identified students in Grade 11)

What is the Early Stopping Rule (ESR)?

The ESR is a tool developed by the Connecticut State Department of Education used by a student’s primary teacher to identify students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to demonstrate an observable and consistent mode of communication during instruction and on assessments.

Students that qualify for this status will not take the CTAA, CTAS, or CAAELP (if the student is identified as EL/ML) during the assessment window.  Instead, the ESR special code status counts these students as test participants with the understanding that they meet specific eligibility criteria through the ESR identification processes.

What process is used to identify students?

The process for completing the ESR Student Response Check are outlined in the Connecticut Alternate Assessment System Early Stopping Rule and Student Response Check document.


Important dates for administration and submission are:

Resources Specific to the Alternate Assessment System

The Alternate Assessment System Webpage, located on the Connecticut Comprehensive Assessment Program Portal, provides access to test administration resources for alternate assessments.

Parent/Guardian Resources

Parent Overview of Connecticut’s Alternate Assessment System - This overview for parents/guardians describes components and resources for Connecticut’s Alternate Assessment System designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities.