Physical Education

Related Resources

Teachers & Administrators

Professional Organizations

Government and Non-Government Resources

Professional Development

Health and Achievement Links

Coordinated School Health Partnerships

Curriculum and Instruction

Infusing Physically Active Learning into Academic Teaching and Learning

  • ABC for Fitness provides instruction for teachers to incorporate short bursts of activity at the beginning of each class; can ensure that children obtain the level of physical activity that is essential for good health and well being
  • PE Central Web site for physical activity, physical education, and cross-curricular teaching
  • VERB: CDC Youth Campaign Comprising online games and interactives, blogs, educational materials, and other activities, this multicultural social marketing campaign to increase physical activity among youth is called VERB: It's what you do. Curricular materials for educators and interactive multimedia content directed at youth combine to engage and motivate tweens (ages 9 to 13), encouraging healthy lifestyles and participation in physical activity.

Health and Wellness Organizations