PURA is hosting a public meeting to identify improvements to our participation process, such as methods to increase access and stakeholder engagement in PURA proceedings. Please join us on Thursday, March 20 at 6pm at the Center for Contemporary Culture at the Hartford Public Library, at 500 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103. Interpretation services are available upon request, and Spanish interpretation will be offered by default. Interested parties can request additional interpretation services by emailing the PURA Case Coordinator, Ussawin Bumpen at Ussawin.bumpen@ct.gov by March 18, 2025. Child-focused activities will be offered as well. For more information on this docket, visit EngagePURA.org

Stakeholder Group Compensation Program


The Stakeholder Group Compensation Program makes funds available to groups representing the interests of residential utility customers residing in an environmental justice community, residential utility customers receiving protection as hardship cases, or small business customers. Stakeholder groups participating in dockets opened on or after January 3, 2024, are eligible to apply for compensation through the program.

In each calendar year, compensation is limited to $100,000 for each stakeholder group in a proceeding, $300,000 for all groups in a proceeding, and $1,200,000 total for all groups in all proceedings.

Compensation is available for reasonable attorneys’ fees, reasonable expert witness fees and other reasonable costs for preparation and participation in Authority proceedings.

Background information and complete program details can be found in the Authority’s decision establishing the program: Final Decision, 1/3/24

Stakeholder groups applying for funding must follow the application process outlined below, filing the following forms in the appropriate dockets by the specified deadlines. Please note that some forms must be filed in the docket that a stakeholder group intends to participate in (referred to as the relevant docket) and some must be filed in Docket No. 23-09-34 (administrative docket for Stakeholder Group Compensation).


For help with the filing process, please see our resources on how to Make an Electronic Filing, or contact PURA’s Executive Secretary at PURA.ExecutiveSecretary@ct.gov. If you are seeking a communication aid or service, have limited proficiency in English, or require some other accommodation, including equipment to facilitate virtual participation, please contact the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Office of Diversity and Equity at (860) 418-5910, or via email at deep.accommodations@ct.gov. For accommodation for hearing impairment, call 7-1-1, the State of Connecticut relay number.

Application Process

Step 1: Notice of Intent to Apply for Stakeholder Group Compensation

Stakeholder groups must file a Notice of Intent to Apply for Stakeholder Group Compensation (Notice of Intent) to inform PURA and other relevant docket participants of their planned request for compensation.

 Form Deadline Filing Location
Notice of Intent to Apply for Stakeholder Group Compensation
Provided in Notice of Proceeding (NOP) in the relevant docket (typically 2 weeks after NOP is issued).

Notice of Intent must be filed before or at the same time as the Application for Stakeholder Group Compensation (Step 2).
File as correspondence in both the relevant docket and in Docket No. 23-09-34.

After your group files a Notice of Intent, PURA will automatically grant your group participant status in Docket No. 23-09-34.

Your group must file a motion for participant or intervenor status in the relevant docket. The Motion for Intervenor/Participant Status form is provided for your convenience in filing the motion in the relevant docket. A stakeholder group does not need to be granted intervenor or participant status in the relevant docket prior to filing its Application in Step 2.

Step 2: Application for Stakeholder Group Compensation and Stakeholder Group Compensation Itemized Budget

Stakeholder groups must submit an Application and Itemized Budget to PURA in order to receive a determination of their eligibility to receive compensation.

Form  Deadline Filing Location
Application for Stakeholder Group Compensation


Stakeholder Group Compensation Itemized Budget
Provided in Notice of Proceeding in the relevant docket (typically 2 weeks after NOP is issued).

Must be filed after or at the same time as the Notice of Intent.
File the Application and Itemized Budget as one motion in Docket No. 23-09-34.

Step 3: Completeness Review

After receiving the Application and Itemized Budget, the Authority will review the Application and notify stakeholder groups by letter if their Application and Itemized Budget are incomplete. Stakeholder groups will have until the application window closes or until the date indicated in the notice letter to fix any omissions or errors.

Step 4: Application Review and Eligibility Determination

Within 30 days of receipt of a complete Application and Itemized Budget, the Authority will make a preliminary determination as to whether the stakeholder group’s participation will constitute a substantial contribution and whether the group has demonstrated a significant financial hardship. The Authority will issue a written determination on each group’s eligibility to receive compensation.

Step 5: Agreement to Provide Evidence of Substantial Contribution and Itemized Expenditures

After the Authority issues a written determination on a stakeholder group’s eligibility to receive compensation, the group has 7 days to sign and return an Agreement to Provide Evidence of Substantial Contribution and Itemized Expenditures.

Each stakeholder group’s eligibility to receive compensation is conditioned upon their agreement to file evidence of substantial contribution and itemized expenditures after the final decision in the relevant docket.

Form Deadline Filing Location
Agreement to Provide Evidence of Substantial Contribution and Itemized Expenditures Seven days after written determination of eligibility. File in Docket No. 23-09-34, as a comment to the motion from Step 2 representing your group’s Application.


Step 6: Advance Payment (if applicable)

At the time of the eligibility determination, the Authority will also determine whether the stakeholder group has a significant financial hardship. If so, the Authority may direct the relevant public service company or companies to pay all or part of the expected compensation prior to the end of the proceeding.

Step 7: Evidence of Substantial Contribution and Stakeholder Group Compensation Itemized Expenditures

After the Authority issues its final decision in the relevant docket, all stakeholder groups must file Evidence of Substantial Contribution and Stakeholder Group Compensation Itemized Expenditures within 30 days.

Form Deadline Filing Location
Evidence of Substantial Contribution


Stakeholder Group Compensation Itemized Expenditures
30 days after final decision is issued in relevant docket. File in Docket No. 23-09-34, as a comment to the motion representing your group’s Application.

Step 8: Compensation Determination and Payment

After receiving a stakeholder group’s evidence of substantial contribution and itemized expenditures, the Authority will issue a written determination, stating the amount of any approved compensation and ordering the relevant public service company or companies to make such payment (after subtracting any advance payments previously made).

Public service companies must make payment as soon as practicable, but no more than 30 days after the order. Each stakeholder group must work with the public service companies to facilitate the method of payment.

Additional Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a filing?