
Managers Raises - Please click on this link for the latest information on raises for managers.

Pursuant to C.G.S. § 4-212 et seq., the Secretary of OPM has issued updated procurement standards for State agencies to follow when entering into personal service agreements (PSAs) and purchase of service (POS) contracts. The procurement standards are effective February 17, 2009.

Pursuant to C.G.S. § 3-7(b), the Secretary of OPM issued standard policies and procedures on May 28, 2008, regarding the write off of Uncollectible Accounts of State agencies, and explained when and how such requests should be submitted to the Office of Policy and Management.

Pursuant to Public Act 07-195,An Act Concerning the State Purchase of Human Service Contracts for Health and Human Services, the Office of Policy and Management submitted a report concerning the Principles and Procedures for the Competitive Procurement of Human Services to the Connecticut General Assembly on February 1, 2008.

TRAINING FOR SCHOOL STAFF: The newest initiative of the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee is a training opportunity for school staff calledEffective School Staff Interactions with Students and Police. For more information, go to
WEB PAGES ON JUVENILE JUSTICE DATA: The Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee has updated its description of Connecticut's juvenile justice system, which provides recent system data.Go to Facts and Figures on Connecticut's Juvenile Justice System.
WEB PAGES ON DMC: The Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee has updated its Web pages on disproportionate minority contact (DMC) with Connecticut's juvenile justice system. Go to
MEDIA CAMPAIGN TO REDUCE UNDERAGE DRINKING:Logo for Set The Rules Connecticut media campaign to reduce underage drinking
SetTheRulesCT is a statewide media campaign educating parents and adults about Connecticut’s Social Host Law and the impact of alcohol on teenage brain development. See the Web site at
Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division
Governor Dannel P. Malloy's, FY 2012 -FY 2013 Biennium Governor's Budget presented two (2) key proposals concerning criminal justice as follows:
  • Offender Management Incentive Plan
    To use the Department of Correction’s existing Offender Accountability Plan to allow inmates to earn risk reduction credits for successful program completion and acceptable behavior to reduce their sentence.PDFRisk Reduction Credits Report submitted on April, 2009 to the General Assembly by former Commissioner Theresa C. Lantz and a panel of experts from the Connecticut Department of Corrections and the Office of Policy and Management.
  •  House Arrest for Driving Under the Influence and Minor Drug Offenses
    Where appropriate, offenders will be required to wear an alcohol monitoring device and have a breath alcohol ignition interlock device installed.
Click here to read more



The State of Connecticut 2011 Recidivism Study is an annual report published in response to the statutory requirements outlined in Public Act 05-249. The legislation created the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division (CJPPD) within the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and tasked the Division with issuing an annual report on the recidivism of offenders released from the custody of the Department of Correction (DOC) and from probation.


The State of Connecticut 2011 Annual Correctional Population Forecast Report is an annual report published in response to the statutory requirements outlined in Public Act 05-249 that created the Criminal Justice Policy and Planning Division (CJPPD) within the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) and tasked the Division with developing annual population projections for Connecticut’s correctional system for planning purposes.
NEW Portal Consolidation Project underway at
Thursday, July21, 2011, 1:30PM – 3:30 PM
Office of Chief State's Attorney,300 Corporate Place, Rocky Hill
Click here for CJIS Meeting Information