Prevention Services Funding

July 2002 Actual Funded
-- for Fiscal Year July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2002

Executive Summary

In 2001, Connecticut’s General Assembly passed Public Act 01-121, An Act Concerning Crime Prevention and a State Prevention Council.

Public Act 01-121 created a State Prevention Council comprised of the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, the Chief Court Administrator and the Commissioners of the Departments of Children and Families, Education, Mental Health and Addiction Services, Mental Retardation, Public Health and Social Services or their designees. Under Secretary Brian Mattiello from the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) serves as chair of the Prevention Council.

The Prevention Council (Council) is charged with two major tasks. The first, which is represented here, is a report on appropriations for prevention services for the period July 1, 2001 – June 30, 2002. The second is the development of a comprehensive statewide prevention plan which is due by December 1, 2002.

In addition, Public Act 01-121 requires that for the biennial budget for fiscal years commencing July 1, 2003 and ending June 30, 2005, the Governor’s budget document shall include a prevention report presenting in detail for each fiscal year the Governor’s recommendation for appropriations for prevention services for the agencies that are members of the Council. While not a task specifically charged to the Council, the Council will play a major role in the development of the Governor’s prevention budget.

A final report is due by July 1, 2004 regarding the Council’s recommendations concerning the potential expansion, including possible use of benchmarks, or termination of the Council.

Data Summary

The Prevention Services Funding Report includes state and federal funds that support prevention services for children under the age of eighteen. The report includes fiscal and programmatic data for prevention programs administered by the statutorily mandated member agencies of the Prevention Council and the Children’s Trust Fund. The report does not include: State and federal capital funds, private foundation funds, municipal prevention funds, federal funds granted directly to towns and cities, certain non-appropriated funds and funds supporting State agency personnel and fringe benefits.

The report presents data and analysis for State Fiscal Year 2001-2002. The report does not include trend data or evaluation data.

Total Funding Across Participant State Agencies

  • The total funding for prevention programs within the nine state agencies included in the study is $207,821,553.
  • State funds represent 62% or $129,856,356 of the total funds.
  • Federal funds represent 38% or $77,965,197 of the total funds.
  • 75% of the state funds support statutorily mandated prevention services.
  • 25% of the state funds support discretionary prevention services.
  • 5% of the total funds support pilot prevention programs.

Funding by Agency

  • 35% of the total funds are administered by State Department of Education
  • 27% of the total funds are administered by Department of Public Health
  • 16% of the total funds are administered by Department of Mental Retardation
  • 6% of the total funds are administered by Office of Policy and Management
  • 6% of the total funds are administered by Department of Social Services
  • 5% of the total funds are administered by Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
  • 3% of the total funds are administered by Children's Trust Fund
  • 2% of the total funds are administered by Department of Children and Families

Categories of Programs

  • 43% of the total funds support Preventive Health Services
  • 41% of the total funds support Preventive Social and Multiple Focused Services
  • 16% of the total funds support Preventive Behavioral Services

Program Strategies

  • 42% of the total funds support services with Life and Social Skills Building as the Primary Strategy.
  • 25% of the total funds support services with Preventive and Primary Health Care as the Primary Strategy.
  • 21% of the total funds support services with Early Developmental Intervention as the Primary Strategy.
  • 4% of the total funds support services with Early Behavioral Intervention as the Primary Strategy.
  • 2% of the total funds support services with Capacity Building as the Primary Strategy.
  • 2% of the total funds support services with Information and Awareness as the Primary Strategy.
  • 2% of the total funds support services with Health Care Screening as the Primary Strategy.
  • 1% of the total funds support services with Recreational Alternatives as the Primary Strategy.
  • 1% of the total funds support services with Social Policy as the Primary Strategy.

For more information:

Contact: Pamela Trotman
Phone (860) 418-6359; E-mail