Other Background Information
Generally Related to
Non-Profit Health and Human Services
  1. Guidestar.com - A website containing nationwide information about non-profit organizations.
  2. Kaiser Family Foundation 2010 Employer Health Benefits Survey
  3. CBIA - 2008 Connecticut Non-Profit Employee Benefits Study
  4. Center for State and Local Government Excellence - (2010) Out of Balance - Comparing Public and Private Sector Compensation Over 20 Years
  5. Hartford Business Journal 9/15/10 - Study: Public workers underpaid vs. private peers
  6. Reason Foundation 5/10/10 - Comparing Private Sector and Government Worker Salaries
  7. U.S. DOL - (2008) Wages in the Nonprofit Sector: Management, Professional, and Administrative Support Occupations, Comparisons to Government and Private Wages
  8. U.S. DOL - (2009) Wages in the Nonprofit Sector: Healthcare, Personal Care, and Social Service Occupations
  9. CCPA Analysis: Public v. Private Provider Salary Differential Comparison - MR Worker 2 & MH Assistant 1, Group 16, 3/2/06
  10. CCPA Analysis:  Compounded COLA vs Compounded CPI vs Compounded Medical CPI  FY1987 – 2010
  11. Description of Indices Utilized by CCPA, 7/25/08 memo to Alyssa Goduti
  12. American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR):  Providers Offering Quality Supports to People with Disabilities         2009 Direct Support Professionals Wage Study:  A report on national wage, turnover and retention comparisons
  13. ANCOR press release:  Survey Links Low Wages and High Turnover Rates (5/5/10)
  14. CCPA’s Analysis:  Anticipated Action Steps to Cope with Cumulative Impact of a 0% Cost of Living Increase FY09, FY10, FY11
  15. Hartford Courant, Health Insurers Seeking Rate Hikes Of More Than 20 Percent In Connecticut (9/15/10)
  16. There is a better way: Cost-effective social services through nonprofit providers, Pete Gioia, CBIA Vice President and Economist (Fall 2010)
  17. CCPA Lines of Credit/ Cash Flow Survey, Preliminary Findings (May 2009)
  18. CCPA Findings - Job Loss, Service Loss Attributed to Rescissions and Deficit Mitigation Plan (December 2009)
  19. Government Accountability Office - Nonprofit Sector Treatment and Reimbursement of Indirect Costs Vary among Grants, and Depend Significantly on Federal, State, and Local Government Practices
  20. National Council of Nonprofits - State Budgets Threaten Nonprofits
  21. State of CT - DDS Inpatient Per Capita Costs Per Diem Amounts Fy 2009-2010
  22. State of CT - DOC Summary of Inmate Per Capita Cost, Per Diem Amounts, FYE June 30, 2009
  23. National Council of Nonprofits - Costs, Complexification, and Crisis: Government’s Human Services Contracting “System” Hurts Everyone (October 2010)
  24. Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy - Human Service Nonprofits and Government Collaboration (October 2010)
  25. CT Association of Nonprofits - Economic Health & Impact of Nonprofits in Connecticut (2010)
  26. United Community and Family Services Presentation November 12, 2010