The Office of State Ethics is located at 165 Capitol Avenue, Suite 1200, Hartford, CT. Staff is available via telephone 860-263-2400, M-F 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, or by email at

Each year, approximately 2,500 elected officials and state employees must file a Statement of Financial Interests (SFI) with the OSE.

SFI filers must file because either they:

  1. Hold a position named by statute as one for which a Statement of Financial Interests (SFI) must be filed; or
  2. The head of their agency has designated their position as one for which a Statement of Financial Interests (SFI) must be filed.
  3. The agency head makes that determination based on the standard issued by the Governor.


Governor’s Standard

Governor Lamont has adopted the established standard which requires “filing of Annual Statements of Financial Interests by all persons in the Executive Branch and Quasi-Public Agencies who exercise (i) significant policy-making, regulatory or contractual authority; (ii) significant decision-making and/or supervisory responsibility for the review and/or award of State contracts; or (iii) significant decision-making and/or supervisory responsibility over staff that monitor State contracts.” 

These statements include information such as names of all associated business, income over $1,000 and a list of all real property as well as any creditors. (Refer to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-83 (b) for a complete list.)

SFIs serve two purposes. First, the financial disclosure provides a checklist or reminder to the official/employee to be mindful of potential conflicts of interest. Second, the statements serve as a tool to maximize public confidence in governmental decision making.

SFIs that have been filed are available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act.

Statements of Financial Interests Forms

Departing Employees

Individuals who leave state service prior to May 1, 2025 should file the 2024 form and include any portion of 2025 for which they served.

Click to begin filing: Statement of Financial Interests