The best way to protect yourself against EBT theft is to call 1-888-328-2666 to change your PIN number before the state of each month.

Due to renovations the DSS Manchester office will be temporarily closed. A new temporary location opened Monday, Jan. 27 at 146 Hartford Road, Manchester. 

Financial Assistance

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  • Economic Security - Electronic Benefits Transfer EBT

    The goals of the DSS-EBT project are to: provide a more reliable, stable, and convenient benefit delivery system; to provide a more cost effective and efficient benefit issuance system; to eliminate ATP card redemption, SNAP handling, and check cashing in Connecticut banks; to provide authorized SNAP retailers with EBT technology at the point-of-sale and streamlined accounting and settlement procedures for SNAP; to reduce the administrative costs of benefit issuance; and to reduce fraud and SNAP benefit trafficking associated with the paper benefit issuance process.

  • Economic Security - Financial Assistance

    The financial assistance programs provide income support to individuals and families to meet their basic needs while encouraging their maximum degree of independence.

  • Energy Assistance - Crisis Assistance Program

  • Energy Assistance - Safety Net Services

  • HUSKY (Medicaid) Coverage for Breast and Cervical Cancer

    Medicaid Coverage for Breast and Cervical Cancer aims to support the health of women receiving breast and cervical cancer screenings and services by providing full Medicaid coverage for them. This program works in conjunction with the Department of Public Health’s Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program.

  • Med-Connect (Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities)

    Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities, also known as MED-Connect, provides medical assistance to employed individuals with disabilities. Enrollees can earn up to $75,000 per year and qualify for full Medicaid/HUSKY Health coverage.

  • State Plans

    These plans describe Connecticut’s programs that furnish financial assistance and services to needy families in a manner to fulfill the purposes of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
